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Title: Revealed

Anime: Death Note


You stood with both hands on the bathroom counter top, looking at the small test before you. You couldn't believe it. You were pregnant. Of course you were married so you were fine with it, but how would L react?

You bit your nails in anxiety and frustration as you awaited your husbands arrival home.

"Maybe I'll just wait until the subject comes up in a conversation and be like 'Oh yeah! And another thing I'm pregnant!' What the hell no! That's stupid I need to-" Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and closing. Your heart pace quicken as you seen your black haired lover walk through the house towards you. He walked up to you and gave you a small but sweet kiss on the forehead. He looked down at you and asked,

"(Y/N) what's wrong? I can tell by the look in your eyes there's something bothering you." He got a piece of cake from the fridge and sat on a chair, staring at you awaiting your answer. You quickly retorted,

"U-um! No! There isn't anything wrong I'm just glad you're home. I read this scary story online and I was scared to be home alone. I'm relieved now thank you." You laughed a little and walked into the living room. You then facepalmed and thought,

"Are you serious?! Like he's ever gunna bel-" "It's okay (Y/N), I'm home now so nothing bad is going to happen. Let's watch TV shall we?" He said as skillfully ate his cake whilst walking towards you. He took your hand and led you to the couch, slight lowering your anxiety level.

You and L were watching a family game show when the emcee turned to the camera and said,

"Alright folks! Now for those families at home we have a question for you! How many people are in your family? Answer that and in our next break, we'll tell you how compatible you are as a family!" L nodded and said,

"2." Your heart started beating faster as you retorted, "No. You're wrong." L looked at you in utter bewilderment.

"(Y/N) do you see anyone else here? What could you possibly mean by...." His eyes trailed down to your stomach and then back up to your face. You got into his lap and whispered,

"I hope you like shopping, because we're going to be doing a lot of that for the next 9 months." L smiled and hugged you.

"I wasn't expecting this..thank you (Y/N)." You smiled and gave him a loving kiss, knowing that in 9 months a cute little addition would be made to the family.

A/N: just a short one for now. I'm literally writing this at 7:13 am. Kill me. Yeah this one probably sucked. I'm gunna go back to sleep guys. Pray I don't die. You know what word I really hate? Grime. LIKE WHY? Okay bye bye! (Sorry for mistakes or whatever if it doesn't make sense my mind isn't very stable)

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