{Midorima Shintaro}

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Title: Show Me That Smile

Anime: Kuroko no Basket


Midorima couldn't believe his ears. Did the principle just announce Co-Ed dorms were to be arranged due to a gas problem in the girls dormitory? No. There was no way. Midorima glared at all his male classmates who were getting rowdy and excited over the news. He spoke up and called out to them,

"Be quiet."

The boys tensed up and listened obediently. Midorima nodded in approval and looked at his bandaged fingers before pushing up his glasses and carry on into his own thoughts.

(Time skip TIME SKIP ALREADY YOU BAD AUTHO- shhh reader-nim the good part is coming up)

The end of the day came soon enough and Midorima decided now would be a good time to get back to his dorm before the boys stampeded there to find out who they got roomed with.

He walked until he came to the front of his dorm room which was surprisingly unlocked. He wearily opened the door to see a girl humming while putting away clothes in a new dresser he had never seen before on the other side of the room.

Before he could speak, the girl noticed him and smiled widely. She raced over to him and gave him a cheeky smile before taking his hand and saying,

"Hi!! Nice to meet cha! I'm your new roommate (L/N) (F/N), Let's be great friends okay!!"

He tsked and brushed past her. He grabbed his basketball things and made his way for the door. He then turned and looked at her under his sharp gaze and asked,

"What's your zodiac sign nanodayo?"

She smiled and replied,

"I'm a (Y/Z/S)! Why?"

He tsked and murmured under his breath,

"You and me clash. By the way, don't bother trying to be friends with me. Because I sure as hell don't want to be friends with you."

He was certain that was gunna make her stop but boy was he wrong. She smiled and waved.

"No matter what you say or how cold you get I'm going to continue to try to be your friend. Have a nice practice!"

He sighed and left.


Midorima and (Y/N) had developed a hot/cold relationship over the past couple of months. Midorima was annoyed by (Y/N)'s loud cherpy voice and attitude and (Y/N) was happy to have such an interesting and charming person like Midorima as her roommate. He continuously pushed her away and she only got closer. The amount of patience he had with (Y/N) was at very VERY thin line at this point.

It was night time and Midorima couldn't sleep. He stared up at the ceiling for a while wondering why he couldn't. It was dead silent until he heard a whimper coming from the bed across the room. His eyes darted over to see (Y/N) with a very troubled, scared expression on her delicate face. She started off saying quiet things like 'Please don't' or 'No!' But then it progressed to something ever worse.

In the blink of an eye, (Y/N) shot up gasping and wheezing. She started crying uncontrollably and hugged her knees to her chest and continued to rock back and forth. Midorima felt absolutely horrible and when he seen her like this all he could imagine in his head was that goofy smile he secretly loved to see every day. He shot out of bed and came over to (Y/N) unknowingly. He sat down and pulled her into his lap, hugging her and shushing her nicely. He gave her time to calm down before hearing her say,

"I'm sorry I must've woke you up! I-I had a little nightmare and..and.." He pulled her head back into his chest once more before pulling away slightly and moving (Y/N) so she was starring at him.

"Can you do something for me (Y/N)?"

She wiped her tears slightly then nodded and asked,

"What is it?"

He smiled slightly before wiping the remaining tears off her face and whispered,

"Please smile for me."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened and she looked at him in disbelief.

"B-But! I thought you didn't like me! I-I though you wanted nothing to do with me why are yo-"

"Smile (Y/N)"

She went silent. Then she turned to him and smiled brightly like she always did.

"Was that okay?" She said as she hugged him once again.

He nodded and replied,


She then looked back up at him.

"Does this mean we're friends now?"

He looked at her and shakes his head. Making (Y/N) look down sadly. Midorima then pulled her face towards his and kissed her softly.

"I want to be your boyfriend. Not just your friend (Y/N) nanodayo."

(Y/N) gasped and smiled widely.

"Okay. I'll be your girlfriend then okay?"

He nodded and said,

"Yeah. Maybe this Co-Ed dorm change isn't so bad after all."

Authors note: My writing style is horrid. I'm so sorry you had to read this. BTW idek if Midorima is out of character but yolo I though this was super cute and totally like him to do in this situation. BYE BYE!

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