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Title: Nightmare

Anime: (Final Fantasy Type-0)

A/N: (Hehe this is chapter 69) OKAY First of all I'm not very familiar with the character but I hope I get his personality right. (Dude he's so hottttt everyone from final fantasy is hooootttt) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING @AyumiKomaeda (it won't let me tag you >.<) it's so hard to think of character to do for the prompts I come up with so requesting a character helps me out so much.


(Your PoV)


Blood was coming from everywhere. We were surrounded by its horrid smell. The worst part of it was that it was his blood...

I screamed as I held my boyfriend Ace in my arms. He had just been badly hurt by a major enemy and was losing blood at a dangerously fast rate. He grunted and looked up at me, weakly putting his hand on my cheek. He said in a quiet voice,

"(Y/N)..don't cry..you're a strong girl..if I die-" "STOP!! Stop saying that you're going to die. You are not going to die!! Ace you can't leave me. I-I love you too much! We haven't done anything we wanted to do together yet! W-we haven't got married yet, we haven't had kids yet!" He smiled slightly and as soon as he did that, his hand dropped to his side, making the tears from my eyes come out like a raging waterfall.

My eyes flew open. I looked around and seen I was in my bed, alone. Whenever Ace had something to do, he would just tell me to go to sleep and that he would sleep in his own bed.

I noticed the tears that fell down my face and quickly wiped them. Still quite frightened, I grabbed my pillow and slowly made my way to Ace's room down the hall.

I stood in front of his door for a few minutes, contemplating whether or not to knock. On one hand, he could welcome me with open arms. On the colder hand, he could tell me that I was being childish and turn me away. Ace is such a cool, mature guy that I never really know what he's going to say or do.

I built up my confidence and knocked twice.

"Who is it?" A voice sternly said from inside the room. I replied in a quivering, quiet voice,

"I-it's..me..can I come in? T-that's if you're not busy..." The door opened and there stood my handsome boyfriend. When he looked at my weak state, his eyes slightly widened but only for a second before they returned to there normal composer. He guided me in and shut the door behind me. I stood there with my head down, not facing him. He sighed and asked,

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" I turned around to look at him with my tears eyes. Memories of the dream came flooding back and the tears fell once again. I wiped them immediately and said,

"I'm sorry this might seem..kind of childish but I had a nightmare that you died and when I woke up I guess I panicked.." I looked down again and his feet came into my vision. I looked up to see him with a rare smile on his face.

"(Y/N)..I don't die easily..you know I wouldn't leave you. I guess I can stop working now. C'mon." He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the bed. He took my pillow softly from my hand and laid it down beside his. He picked me up and laid me down beside the wall. I snuggled into the covers and watched him get into his nightwear.

He got into bed and immediately pulled me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his back in response. He kissed my forehead while saying,

"You know no matter what I'm doing you can come and talk to me. I'm your boyfriend (Y/N), I maybe not be the nicest person in the world but I do love you." I smiled and kissed his chest.

"Thanks Ace, that makes me feel a lot better. I love you too." With that, we fell asleep in each other's arms feeling the warmth of our hearts as one.


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