{Murasakibara Atsushi}

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Title: Fantasies come to life

Anime: Kuroko no Basket


"Give it back..Now."

You threatened your purple haired titan boyfriend as he held your phone way above your head out of reach.

"(Y/N)~chin ignores me because of this. I want to know what's so interesting that she ignores me."

You were in a total panic. You were previously writing a fanfic. A fanfic about your boyfriend. Until a lazy sushi stole your phone right out of your hand. You looked around panicking until you seen a near by kitchen chair. You ran, dragged it over and stood on top of it.

"Are you kidding me?!"

You still couldn't reach it! You tried jumping up as Murasakibara started looking over the contents on your phone screen. He had a poker face until suddenly his eyes widened a little and a small tint of red scattered along his face. You also blushed and thought to yourself,

"Great. He got to the smut part. I am SO done for."

He hummed quietly and then gave it back.

"So this is what (Y/N)~chin has been doing. Well," before he continued he grabbed a bag of chips, opened them, and continued, "why would (Y/N)~chin write about a fictional me when the real me is right here?"

He tilted his head slightly then brought his face closer and said,

"Maybe (Y/N)~chin wants to do what she wrote down?"

You blushed a million shades of red. Of course you wanted to do everything you wrote down but you were going to the grave before you told him that.

"N-No. People just requested it so-"

"It's not good to lie, (Y/N)~chin."


Before you could continue, his lips covered yours. You unknowingly pulled him down towards you to deepen the kiss and then pulled away for air.

"See..(Y/N)~chin does want to do those kinds of things. I want to give (Y/N)~chin everything she wants so."

Before you could object, he threw you over his shoulder and took you to your shared bedroom. You cursed at your phone but you silently thanked it. You knew you were in for a long night.


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