{Marco Bott}

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Title: Call

Anime: Attack on Titan


You were doing your usual everyday thing, since your work was done for the day. You were at home, eating some of (Favorite Food), watching some anime. You paused the anime once you heard your phone vibrate.


You questionly asked as you looked at the screen. You blushed, wondering why the person you have loved since your junior year in high school. Of course, you guys were neighbors but you never confessed your love to him.


Nothing. You tried calling his name but you didn't hear anything. You were about to hang up when you heard a distance voice, say,

"Huh? You love (L/N)?"

Your eyes widened as you listened to Jean's bold remark.

"Of course I love her Jean! I love her so much I don't know what to do with myself. The way she talks, her personality, her looks...Jesus Christ Jean she's gorgeous. Every time I see her I just want to go over to her and kiss her and tell her how much I love her and that I want to be with her but I'm scared Jean...I'm scared of being rejected. Because I feel like if it was anyone else I would be okay but being rejected by (Y/N) might kill me."

You almost dropped your phone. Your mouth was ajar slightly and your eyes were the size of saucers. You pressed the phone back to your ear when you heard Jean say,

"Then just ask her out man! You guys have know each other for a good while beside you guys are neighbors! Believe me bro she'll totally say- Dude...look at your phone.."

You panicked and heard a gasp on the other side of the line.


You absolutely had no idea what you were going to do. You hesitantly answered him,


"How much...of that did you hear..?"


You replied as you hung up. You dropped everything you had and ran over to Marco's house. You bursted in, power walked over to him, and kissed him passionately. He kissed back until Jean scoffed and said,

"Well EXCUSE ME. I'll be leaving now."

Jean left but you both didn't seem to care. You kept kissing him until you both finally broke away for air. You both panted as he said,

"I'm glad I finally told you...then I'm guessing you feel the same?"

"No I just kissed you because I'm rejecting you OF COURSE I FEEL THE SAME MARCO I LOVE YOU!"

He smiled and hugged you.

"Then, will you be my girlfriend?"



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