{Edward Elric}

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Title: My Short Savior

Anime: Full-Metal Alchemist

A/N: He is so fucking fun to tease I s2g


"Stay away from me!" You shouted as the drunkerd held your wrist tighter.

"Haha no I don't think so. You're gunna listen to me or you're gunna pay the consequences. Take off you clothes! NOW!" You flinched as he raised his voice. You were previously just wanting home from the library and now here you were, about to be raped.

Tears filled your eyes as you felt the man's grip tighten even more. You hesitantly went to reach for the top button's of your blouse, when a spark of lightning shocked through the air and a moving rock sent the man flying. You gasped and crawled away from him, the relief you were feeling was almost unbearable.

You were hyperventilating when a cold, auto-mail hand came into contact with your shoulder. Of course you flinched but once you seen who it was, you weren't so scared anymore.


"That's right I'm the Full-Meta-"

"So short."

His eye twitched and he screamed,


You giggled and stood up while saying,

"I know, I was joking. Rumor has it that you hate being called short. Wanted to test it out myself." You smiled and stared into his eyes.

He blushed and turned his head away,

"W-well..you should be more careful! You almost got assaulted back there! What would've happened if I wasn't there at the right moment?!" You look down and pouted. You pretended to sniffle, making the blonde think you were going to start crying again.

"H-hey..I didn't mean to lecture you.." He pulled you into his arms and you looked up at him with my smile. You hugged him back and whispered,

"Thank you, Edward Elric. I guess you're my hero now." You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and waved.

You started walking away from the blushing male but then stopped. You pulled out a pen and paper and then quickly wrote down your phone number and address. You jogged back to him and put the piece of paper in his hand.

"Call me sometime, shorty." You winked and walked away while smirking. A few moments after you started walking away you heard from behind you,


A/N: Much like the main character of this one shot, this was very short. Thanks for requesting and stay awesome ;)

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