{Levi Ackerman} *LEMON*

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Title: Only Yours

Anime: Attack on Titan

A/N: I know I've done a lot of Levi ones but this is a lemon so PREPARE THY SELF!



(Your PoV)

I sat in Levi's office, waiting for my 'punishment'. I was yelled at by the man himself during dinner time just because I was joking around with Eren and Jean. It's not like I was trying to flirt with them or anything like that! Levi knows I love him and only him but apparently that isn't enough.

I sat impatiently on the chair in front of Levi's desk when the door opened and closed behind me. I watched Levi walk over to his desk and sit down. He intertwined his hands together and sat his elbows on his desk, staring at me with those oh so intimidating eyes.

"(Y/N)." I winced slightly at the seriousness in his voice.

"Y-yes Levi?"

"You know why you're here, right?" I sighed and looked at him,

"I didn't do anything! Talking to people and joking around isn't something I should be punished for!" He slammed his hands down on his desk, abruptly standing up and walking in front of the chair I was residing in.

"That isn't the point. The point is that those two shit heads were obviously trying to get into your pants, pants that are already reserved for me only. Do you know how that makes me feel (Y/N)." He said with utter passion and lust, sending a wave of excitement and shivers down my spine. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, before grabbing my ass cheeks and making me jump up so that my arms were around his neck and legs wrapped around his waist.

"Levi I-"

"Tonight, I'm going to make you truly understand who you belong too." I nodded hesitantly and looked at him. I then gave him a very passionate kiss. He hummed in content as I forced my tongue into his mouth. He of course fought back and gained the upper hand before pulling away and setting me down on the bed. He unbuckled all his gear and threw them somewhere in the room, leaving him in his pants and his slightly unbuttoned dress shirt. He climbed on top of me and smirked before taking off all of my clothes, yes all of them leaving me completely nude. He straddled me, letting his eyes roam over my exposed body. I shuffled uncomfortably under his sharp gaze and tried to cover myself.

"Don't. I love you and everything about you. Especially your body." He kissed my cheek then made his way down to my neck. Finding that one spot that made me go absolutely crazy and got my inner juices flowing. He then grabbed one of my breasts with his hand and took another in his mouth, biting and sucking on it. It sent me onto cloud 9 as I quickly became a moaning mess. He left a trail of kisses down my stomach before reaching the one place I was most afraid of him getting too. I closed my legs out of pure embarrassment. Levi looked at me with the slight smile he only showed me.

"It's okay. It's me." I hesitantly opened my legs back up, giving him a view of everything I had been savoring in all my life time. Levi smirked again, leaning in to give my inner thigh a quick kiss. I moaned softly, feeling his lips on my skin was an addiction I wasn't getting rid of any time soon. He suddenly licked my clit, making me arch my back and moan in ecstasy. He held my hips down as he penetrated my womanhood with his tongue. I moaned even louder as he continued to do such dirty things to my pride and joy down under. I felt a weird knot in my stomach and finally released my woman juices, cumming furiously. Levi licked it up and said,

"I've been waiting enough, don't you think?"

"Yes Jesus Christ Levi fuck me." I quickly unbuttoned his shirt and threw it somewhere. I then pulled his pants and underwear down in one swift move. I gasped slightly at his now open erected manhood. He may be a short man but clearly he had up for it in other areas. He positioned himself at my entrance and without any warning, slammed into me. I moaned at the pleasure that spread throughout my body. I heard a satisfied grunt come from Levi. He started going faster and harder as he held onto my hips. Skin against skin, moan after moan could be heard throughout the entire HQ building. Levi was at his limit and so was I. We both orgasmed and came. He rolled off of me and panted heavily.

"God damn it (Y/N). Who knew someone so small could make me feel so alive."

"PAH! You're one to talk." He gave me an 'are you serious face' before pulling me close to him and giving me a peck on the lips.

"I love you. You are mine and that will never change." He said as he stared into my eyes. I nodded and rubbed my cheek against his and whispered,

"Only yours."


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