{Ciel Phantomhive} *HALLOWEEN SPECIAL*

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Title: My Very Own Annoyance

Anime: Black...Umm.. *looks at smudged writing on hand* Bumper

A/N: fuck I hope this is salty enough...apartment neighbor AU cuz I can totally imagine pissy ass neighbor Ciel who complains and yells at you for making noise


You smiled widely as you plugged in your phone to the large speakers in your living room. After a long day of hard work and bull crap, what you truly needed was some time to goof off and have fun. You tapped on your music app and selected "This is Halloween" by Marilyn Manson. You turned the volume up the whole way and pressed play.

The intro to the song started and you yelled in happiness, although you couldn't even hear your yell because the music was that loud. Totally forgetting you lived in an apartment building, you started singing along to the music as you danced around freely.

"Boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange?" You sang as you jumped up on the couch. You laughed and continued to sing until someone literally broke down your door.

You screamed and ran over to turn off the music. You unconnected your phone from the speakers quickly before looking up to see the culprit who invaded your private time.

"You worthless rat." The man spat as he panted while glaring at you. There stood your next door neighbor, Ciel Phantomhive. He was the grouchiest, most meanest person you could've ever met, and that's all the more reason why you loved to piss him off. You smiled and said,

"Come to join the party Ciel? Although you didn't need to take the phrase 'Crash the party' that seriously." He clicked his tongue and said,

"I would rather set myself on fire for eternity then associate with you. As for your door, I tried knocking but your obnoxiously loud music drowned it out. I came here to tell you to keep your volume the hell down. Don't you know how annoying it is?" You put a hand over your mouth as you tried not to laugh at his annoyed face. You breathed deeply and replied,

"Do you know how funny you look right now?" You could've sworn you seen him shake with anger.

He walked right up to you, getting a little too close for comfort and you noted all of his features you came to admire over the times he had come over to lecture you. He stood right in front of you with the nastiest scowl on his face. You pursed your lips and poked his cheek.

"You know, your face is gunna get stuck like that if you do that for too long..try smiling for once!" You took your index fingers and forced his mouth into a somewhat smile. Before you could take your finger away, he harshly bit it.

"Ow!!" You screeched as you pushed him away and held your finger close to you. He said in amusement,

"Did it hurt? I hope so. Feel a small portion of the pain you make me feel on a daily basis." He then turned on his heel and was about to walk out when you quickly ran over to him and jumped on his back. He grunted and yelled,

"What do you think you're doing?! Get off!" He tried to shake you off but you just closed your eyes and held on tighter. Once he calmed down, you whispered,

"Don't leave." Ciel's eyes widened and his arms dropped to his sides. You looked up at the side of his face and said in a pleading voice,

"I know you probably hate and despise me..but I don't hate you Ciel." You confessed as you suddenly hid your face into the crook of his shoulder. He said,

"You know what?"

"What?" You asked at his question.

"I...don't really give a shit!" He then took the opportunity to shake you off of him, resulting in you landing on the floor with a thump. You pouted and said loudly,

"You love me!! Don't deny it!!" He scoffed and walked out of your apartment. You heard his steps go further and further down the hall, and whilst he was going, he started unconsciously whistling "This is Halloween."

You smiled and listened as he walked into his apartment. Before he closed the door, he must've realized his actions because before he shut the door he screamed in annoyance,

"(Y/NNNNN)!!!!!!" You bursted out loud and said,

"Yep, he loves me."

A/N: This is so fun to write literally neighbor goals

P.S. It's coming

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