{Momotarou Mikoshiba}

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Title: Surprise Scare

Anime: Free! Eternal Summer

Requested by: I'll tag you in the comments cuz my phone is a pit of asshole

You knocked on the door to be greeted by your boyfriend's older brother, Seijuro. You smiled and placed a finger on your lips, indicating that you were there to surprise the small orange ball of joy.

You giggled as Seijuro happily let you in. You tip-toed up the steps and quietly opened Momo's door. Your heart was beating so fast with anticipation that even you yourself felt as though you were having a heart attack. You went over to the side of his bed and gazed at his gorgeous face. That beautiful orange hair that you would normally run your hands through, rounded jaw-line that made his face look even more like a baby, his closed eyes that when opened were like a world only you could explore. You smiled and gently planted a kiss on his forehead. You then smirked and screamed,


Momo's eyes bolted open and he started screaming. He tripped over his blanket and ended up face first on the ground. He quickly shuffled in an upright position and noticed you. He grabbed you hand and pulled,

"(Y/N)!! C'mon there's a fi....wait why aren't you panicking..."

"Cuz there is no fire aho!" You laughed and covered your mouth as you let out loud yelps of laughter.

Momo blushed and smirked,

"Quite the trickster, ey (Y/N)? Well unfortunately for you two can play at that game."

You were still occupied with laughing that didn't notice Momo scheming his way over to you. Your laughing face soon turned to horror once he raised his hands up in a tickling position. You screamed and jumped onto his bed, in which he followed quickly. He straddled you and began to roam his hands over your body, tickling you in the places he knew would make you kick and scream in laughter. You gasped for air,


Momo laughed himself and then laid down beside you.

"My beautiful girl.." He whispered as he kissed your temple and held you in his arms. You smiled and kissed his clothes chest.

"My handsome boy.." You whispered back. He smirked again and said,

"Yeah I am pretty handsome."

"Urusai!" You yelled as you punched him playful while laughing. You knew he was right, but even idiots need to know their limits.

A/N: Sorry it's short. More one-shots coming soon! Ja~

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