{Levi Ackerman}

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Title: The Last Seat

Anime: Attack on Titan


(Your PoV)

"God dang it." I sighed as I walked out of the school and towards the big school bus. Today we were going on a long field trip to a science museum 4 hours away from our school. It's not like I want to go, but in order to graduate I have to go. I stood awkwardly by myself, waiting for the bus driver to allow all the 60 students on. I sighed for I know what was already going to happen.

The bus driver finally allowed us all on, although I was pushed to the end of the line to get on.

"Stupid jocks" I murmured as I got on the bus. I looked around to see almost every seat taken. As all eyes were on me, I awkwardly started to walk towards the back of the bus. While looking, one of the popular guys, Jean, put his foot out and made me trip. I fell on my face, making my glasses break and my nose start to bleed. He chuckled and commented, "whoops did I do that?" I sighed and finally got to the back, only one seat was available. Of course, it's next to him.

Levi Ackerman, the coldest guy in school. He's all the girls talk about when it comes to looks and hidden smarts. My heart started beating and I started getting extremely nervous. I spoke softly as I stood beside the seat,

"U-um..is it okay if I sit here?" He ripped his gaze from the window to me. His eyes widened slightly seeing my bloody nose and broken frames. He silently nodded and scooted over a little so I had a comfortable amount of room. The teachers soon boarded and we were off.

As soon as we started going, I rumbled through my bag and got a tissue to stop the bleeding. I winced in pain as I poked at my nose to see if it stopped. Unbeknownst to me, Levi had been watching me the whole time through the reflection in the window. I then took my glasses off and looked at them.

"I'm going to have to get a new frame..." Suddenly, the glasses were taken out of my hand. I looked over and Levi was looking at them closely.

"I don't think you need a new frame..it just needs to be screwed in right." He then took a little tool set out of his book bag and started fixing my glasses. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as I watched his handsome profile focus on my old thick glasses.

Ten minutes later

He finally got done fixing my glasses. He then set them down in my hand gently and said, "Be careful next time idiot." I nodded and put them on.

"Thank you Levi. Your very kind." His cheeks showed a hit of pinkness as he nodded and turned back to look at the window once again.

(Skit to arrival at destination)

We all got off the bus quickly, everyone was excited to explore and find out the best places to hang out. The head teacher of the field trip, Professor Smith, spoke up and we all huddled around him.

"Alright, starting off this field trip, you will need to find a partner that will stick with you the entire trip. Take the time now to choose." People started pairing up immediately. I glanced and seen Jean coming straight for me. I gasped slightly and tried to walk away but he was faster and caught my arm.

"Lucky you, (F/N). Your gunna be my p-"

"I don't think so." Before Jean could continue, Levi took his hand off of my arm and placed his arm around my shoulder. "Sorry horseface, but she's mine." I blushed as hard as can be as Jean's mouth dropped and Levi pulled me away from everyone else. I turned to him and asked,

"Levi..what do you..I don't understand." He smiled slightly and put his face close to mine. "You heard what I said, you're mine (F/N) and I'm going to protect you from now on."

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