{Ciel Phantomhive} *HALLOWEEN SPECIAL*

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Title: From Nothing to Something

Anime: Black Hoebags I mean Butler

A/N: that picture cracks me up. First update after 600 A/N's. Here we go


You walked into the Phantomhive manor with your (Favorite Costume) confidently clinging to your body. You smiled as you walked right up to your best friend, Ciel, who was also dressed up, talking to one of his business partners.

"Hey Ciel how are you?" You said calmly as he finished up the conversation with the man. Ciel looked at your curiously before ignoring you and walking the other way. You made this -_- face and said to yourself,

"Well hey there (Y/N)! I'm doing fine, thanks for coming to my party!" You then scoffed and followed him.

"Oi." You grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Ciel immediately pulled away.

"Excuse me, but who are you and why are you touching me?" He asked. You stood there dumbfounded and thought to yourself,

"Wait...can he not tell its me from my costume..oh my god I'm going to have fun with this.."

You cleared your voice and said,

"I'm your date for this party remember?" Ciel raised an eyebrow and smirked devilishly,

"Well, if you are my "date" then shall we dance?" He unexpectedly grabbed your hand and pulled you onto the empty dance floor. You looked around and whisper yelled,

"Ciel! You know I can't dance!"

"Aha, so it is you (Y/N)." He said with a smile as the weary ballroom music began to play.

"How'd you know it was me?" You asked as you tried to follow him in the dance.

Ciel smiled slightly and whispered,

"I know everything about you, (Y/N). Plus you know if Sebastian thought you were a threat to me he would've never let you come near me." He motioned his head over to Sebastian who had a masquerade mask on and was smiling at the both of you. You laughed and said,

"You never disappoint me." Ciel didn't say anything back and instead spinned you around. You followed him and once he pulled you back towards him, you clutched his shoulders.

"Christ Ciel, you could've told me you were going to do something like that."

"Where's the fun in that?" He then dipped you once the song came to an end. Your ears became tinted with red and you expected him to pull you up, but when he didn't, you got anxious.

You looked up at him to see his blue eyes gazing intimidatingly into your (E/C) eyes. The look in his eyes at that moment made your heart jump, something it hadn't done before.

Ciel suddenly jolted you back up and bowed to the audience. You were in a daze but quickly did the same. He walked into the crowd, causing you to follow him. Just like Deja vu, you grabbed onto his arm and pulled him back. You asked,

"What was that?"

"What ever do you mean?" He questioned you. You sighed and stated,

"That!" You gestured towards the middle of the ballroom. He seemed to catch your gist and pursed his lips. He suddenly came closer to you and said while staring into your eyes,

"What'd you think it was, (Favorite Costume Name)?" He moved a piece of your hair out of your face before giving you a light kiss on the forehead and whispering into your ear,

"Thank you for dancing with me tonight." Ciel then disappeared into the crowd. You touched the place where he kissed you and smiled slightly.

"Jeez...that Ciel..." You chuckled and continued to enjoy the Halloween party.

(Time Skip to the end of the party brought to you by Eisuke Ichinomiya running for president)

As time went on, more and more people began to leave. You however, planned on staying afterwards and helping everyone clean up.

Sebastian noticed how you had no intentions on leaving and came over to you with a smile.

"Is miss (Y/N) planning on staying afterwards?" You smiled back and nodded. Sebastian leaned in and said,

"My Lord will be very pleased to hear that." He then walked to who knows where. You walked over to the food table and thought,

"What's up with the guys in this house?" You unconsciously ate all the food you could get your hands on.

(A/N: woah MC realistic AF)

Once the party was completely over and no guests were left, Meyrin, Baldroy, and Finny all came out to start cleaning up. The first person to notice you was Finny, and immediately, he ran over to you with a grin.

"Miss (Y/N)! It's so great to see you!" You smiled and pat his head.

"It's nice to see you too!" You said as you waved to the other two. You asked everyone,

"Shall we get started?"

"They will, but you won't." A familiar voice boomed from the staircase. You whipped your head up to see Ciel in his nightwear, which made you guess he was getting ready to retire for the night. You stood up straight and asked,

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you're coming with me." He walked down the rest of the way and grabbed your hand. You were in a state of confusion as to his actions. Usually, he was never like this. He was acting strange, but something even more strange then that was the fact that you didn't dislike it.

You sheepishly followed him to his room. Once he pulled you in and shut the door, you asked,

"Ciel? What's going on?" He sat on his bed and looked at you dead on.

"It's strange." He said as he furrowed his brow.

"What is?" You asked hesitantly.

"My feelings for you." Your eyes widened as his statement reached your ears. Feelings? Ciel Phantomhive, your best friend, had feelings for you? This must've been some sick joke.

"I don't think you're funny Ciel."

"I don't think I am either." He got up and suddenly pushed you up against the door. You gasped slightly and said quickly,

"Then what kind of feelings do you have for me? And why so suddenly?!" He sighed and said,

"Not even I can explain it in words. So, I'll explain it otherwise." He then gently pushed his lips onto yours. The butterflies in your stomach were unbearable but somewhat enjoyable. You kissed back and said in a quiet voice,


"Stay with me (Y/N)." Ciel said as he pulled you into bed with him. Your emotions at that moment were a mix of happiness, confusion, and pressure. Everything was happening so soon, even if you returned those feelings. He spooned you from behind and pulled the silk covers up to your shoulder. He said,

"(Y/N)..be my lover." You turned towards him and looked into his eyes.

"You want me to be your lover?"

"I do." He said as he smiled a rare smile he only showed to you. You sighed happily and said,

"Lover? Hmmm..sounds like a big responsibility, being your lover. You know you may not act like it but you can be a brat when you want Cie-" "(Y/N)!" He barked at your teasing comment. You laughed and said,

"Alright. I'll be your lover." Ciel nodded in satisfaction and closed his eyes.

"Let's sleep now (Y/N)."

You didn't reply, instead you snuggled closer to him and closed your eyes as well.

Over all, it might've been a sudden confession, but in the end you were glad you said yes.

A/N: don't even ask me what this is.

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