{Levi Ackerman Part 1}

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Title: Follow Me

Anime: Attack on Titan

A/N: High school cliche AU where Levi is the popular kid and you're a fan-girl who annoys him to no end.


Levi walked into the main building of his high school like any other student. Well, he tried to anyway, but usually that didn't work out for him.

You see, he was known as the popular boy. He didn't even know how it happened but suddenly one day he found himself being followed around and people calling him "senpai." At the time, he chose to ignore it and go with the flow, it didn't both him much. That turned quickly.

There was one thing in particular that he found a pain when it came to all this unwanted attention, it was you. Not long after you found out about his existence, you automatically began greeting him daily, clinging to his arm and smiling cheekily at him, bringing him lunch and what not.

Any normal person might've been happy about that, but Levi found it as a pure nuisance. He would give anything to have you stop talking to him, after all, you just some fangirl to him right?

The minute you heard his shoe hit the inside of the building, you flew over to him and bowed,

"Good morning Levi!" He kept walking while he said,

"How many times do I have to tell you? Stop greeting me every god damn day. It's annoying." You smiled and followed him.

"So how are you this morni-" "Look it's that whore who tries to get with Levi everyday..why does she even try?" You were about to ask him how his morning was going but got interrupted by an obnoxiously loud group of girls who was watching you go by.

Levi also seemed to hear them and out of the corner of his eyes, watched your reaction.

You breathed in and out while your head was down and your bangs covered your face. Every time someone said something like that it made you want to cry, but you didn't mind it because you just liked Levi that much.

To everyone who was watchings surprise, you looked up and smiled that goofy bright smile at Levi.

"Well, my classes are about to start. I'll see you at lunch!" You then ran away without turning back to look at him. His eyes were widened slightly as he watched you run away. How could you possibly smile when people continuously beat you down and picked on you every day? Levi clicked his tongue and shot a menacing glare towards the group of girls. He was in a state of confusion as to why their words pissed him off so much.

(Time Skip)

Levi grabbed his packed lunch and went to the roof. 1: He hated being around all those disgusting teenagers. 2: No one would try to follow him there.

He pushed the door open to see a cooped up person with golden locks sitting on the bench. You, of course, heard the door open and whipped your head up to see who it was. Once you did, you automatically smiled and ran over to him.

"Hi Levi! Did you come to have lunch with me?" He didn't respond though, he was occupied with staring at your dry tear stained cheeks. His eyes widened and he thought to himself,

"This brat was up here crying all by her damn self.."

He looked at you and glared. Not thinking about what he was saying and who he was saying it to, he said,

"The fuck? Why would I want to have lunch with the likes of you? Annoying brat."

That was the last straw for you. You had been through so much to stay by Levi's side and all it ever did for you was get you bullied. Your voice dropped and you said in a cold voice,

"Fine. I won't ever talk to you again."

That was all you said before you turned on your heal and walked out the door. Levi seemed to have only realized what he said right then. He cursed and shrugged.

"She'll be back to her annoying self tomorrow."

Or will you?

A/N: I don't even know why I made this into 2 parts but part 2 is coming soon. This is unedited. Like every other shot, I'll go back and read it 250 times and find my mistakes gradually.

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