{Yu Nishinoya}

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Title: Funny Afterwards

Anime: Haikyuu!!


You sat patiently waiting for your boyfriend, Yu, to be done with his minor surgery. He was getting his wisdom teeth out. Before the surgery he was pouting and whimpering the entire time, saying things like 'I don't wanna do this' or 'I'd rather play volleyball for a week straight than do this'. Too bad it had to be done, no matter how much he tried to get out of it.

The surgeon stepped out of the double doors and walked towards you. You stood up and walked over to him, asking him if everything went well. The doctor smiled and said that the surgery was a success and that you could visit him now. You smiled and walked after him to see your lovely boyfriend.

The first thing about your boyfriend that you noticed was different was that he had this dreamy drunk look in his eyes. The second you walked in, he lazily rolled over to look at you. His eyes then widened and he starred at you for a long while.

The doctor pecked his head in and quickly said,

"Yeah one thing about him is the medicine we gave him to sub-dote him hasn't worn off so he's going to seem drunk and he might not know who you are so take it easy." You nodded and hesitantly walked over to him. He watched you as you say next to him then he snaked his arm around your waist and said flirtatiously,

"Hey there goddess....you're very beautiful...oh my..I can't take my eyes off you...will you be my girlfriend?!" At the last part his voice escalated and got quite loud.

You chuckled and held his hand.

"Honey, I am your girlfriend."

His eyes widened once again then he slumped back as his back slid onto the wall. He turned to the nurse who slipped in to clean up the room. He spoke slowly as he called out to her,

"Nurse! This beautiful woman is...is my girlfriend!!"

The nurse chuckled as she nodded and smiled,

"Yes, (Y/N) was very supportive and waited for you the whole time during your surgery! You have a wonderful girlfriend."

He looked at you and whispered,

"....(Y/N)..." He then took you into his arms and kisses you sloppily. You pushed him away and quickly said,

"HEY! You have stitches in your mouth you can't do that!!"

He pouted and started crying.

"B-But...I want to kiss my (Y/N)...your so beautiful and I want to feel your beautiful lips on mine and I..." He trailed off as he glanced over at you cutely. You blushed and nodded.

"H-hey..I'll do this okay?" You said as you planted a soft, long kiss on temple then ran your hand through his hair as your starred into his eyes happily. He stared back at you with a dreamy look in his eyes as you realized you could leave now.

"C'mon Yu we can leave now!"

He smiled and got up then held your hand tightly. He was giggling to himself as you walked him out to your car. Once you got him in the passengers seat, you bent over him to put his seat belt on. He looked at you before quickly kissing you on the lips again. You glared at him and waved your pointer finger at him.




"I love you (Y/N)."

"N-...I-I love you too Yu."

You blushed as you shut the door and ran to the drivers side. You sat down and looked at him. He was doing weird dances and making funny faces. You laughed and started the ignition.

"Your such a weirdo."


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