{Oikawa Tooru}

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Title: My Childish Husband

Anime: Haikyuu!!

A/N 1: Disclaimer to the pic and all the other pics in this book, the credit is on the picture so thank you for making such a beautiful picture. (He's so handsome)

A/N 2: Just so you know, in this one-shot you and assikawa are married and have two children. Levi and Lily are their names. (I just stuck in these names because I know from personal experience that sometimes whenever it says like (C/N) (child's name) it's just a hassle to try to come up with one. Levi is 8 and Lily is 6. Alright let's go!


(Your PoV)

I looked through the pantry in my home. Knowing that I had 4 mouths to feed, I knew I needed to go shopping. I walked out to the living room to see my handsome husband Tooru and my two children, Levi and Lily, sitting next to him giggling as they watched their favorite show. I giggled and slid my arms around the back of his neck onto Tooru's chest, whispering in his ear,

"I'm gunna go buy some groceries for dinner, okay?" He turned his face slightly towards mine and gave me a loving kiss, obviously taking the opportunity at how close we were. He said,

"Okay. Don't take too long. Who knows what'll happen without you here." He smirked and turned his head towards the TV. I scoffed and kissed both of my children on the head.

"Mommy has to go to the grocery store, stay here and play with daddy okay?" They both nodded and continued to watch their show. I smiled in satisfactory and went out to my car.

(Time Skip brought to you by iwa-chan~)

I parked the car in my driveway and grabbed all the groceries I had bought, struggling to shut the door I kicked it shut with my foot. I walked over to the door and knocked on it, obviously my hands were too full so I couldn't open it myself. I heard shouting from the inside,

"I'm sorry (Y/N) I really can't get the door!!!" Tooru screamed and giggled. I also heard the giggles of my two little devils. I growled and put some of the bags down so I could open the door myself. I walked in and set the bags down on the floor. I walked into the living room and looked at what was before me with a very amused face. There was my husband balancing himself with one leg on the wooden coffee table and the other on the couch, as Levi and Lily clung to him, producing playfully screams throughout the house. Lily gasped,

"MOMMY YOU'RE IN THE LAVA!!! DADDY YOU HAVE TO SAVE HER!!" Tooru gasped dramatically and gently dropped them onto the couch. He jumped over the side of the couch and quickly picked me up bridal style,  causing me to giggle and hold on to him tightly.

He jumped back onto the couch and said,

"Captain Levi, how much longer is the lava going to be here?" Levi put his hands on his hips and yelled like a captain,

"The ground in clear! All citizens are now able to proceed off of the special places!...DINNER TIME!!!!" Lily and Levi happily ran to the kitchen, leaving Tooru and I completely breathless. I turned to him and said,

"Remember when we had that much energy?" He laughed and came closer to me while smirking and said,

"Oh I can remember lots of times we had all sorts of energy together." He then kissed me passionately. I laughed and kissed him back. We both suddenly heard a voice from behind us.

"Eewwwwww mommy and daddy are doing those gross things again!!" Lily said out loud and Levi, being the older brother he was, quickly covered Lily's eyes. He whispered,

"Don't look Lily. The commander is just getting his reward for saving her." We both laughed and got up. I suddenly shouted,

"Who wants dinner??!" Tooru, Levi and Lily all yelled,


A/N: *DREAMY SIGH* OKAY BYE BYE! (I'm sorry this was another short one I promise to do some longer ones I'm sick again TT_TT)

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