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Title: I'll Be There

Anime: Noragami

A/N: SO I'm back. I was going to make my first return update Rin Okumura but then I stumbled upon a Noragami vid on YouTube and ended up watching Noragami ALL OVER AGAIN. Omg everytime I watch I just TT_TT YUKINE BABY ITS OKAY. Anyway! I'm going to be updating a lot today, tomorrow, and Sunday to make up for lost time! With further a due~ Here is Yuuuukkiinneee! (I read this over and it literally is all over the place and I'm sorry)


(Your PoV)

For some reason, I had always been able to see these..creatures. Sometimes they were as little as a pea. Sometimes they were as tall as a skyscraper. They came in all shapes and sizes..but no one else seemed to notice them. I always wondered, 'why am I so different? Why can't they see them?' It bothered me at times but sometimes I figured that it was a blessing that I was able to see these peculiar creatures. Creatures that seemed so harmless. But little did I know that I would soon come to learn that they were the exact opposite. They were the exact definition of harm and danger.

The bell rung throughout the school and tons of sighs of relief and happiness filled the classroom. I stood up and quickly left for the bathroom. I was holding it in the whole period and the teachers wouldn't let me go no matter what I said. I seen the sign to the girls bathroom and instantly felt a little better. I opened the door and said cheerfully,

"Yosh! Time to relieve my bl-" I opened my eyes to see two boys kneeling on the ground painfully, and my classmate Hiyori glaring down at them with a dark aurora around her. They all seemed to panic when I walked in. I quickly said,

"I don't exactly know what's going on or why there are two boys in the girls bathroom, but I'm just going to go." I tried to leave but Hiyori pulled me back in.

"Wait (Y/N)! You can...see them?" Her eyes darted towards a boy with black hair and blue eyes and another with blonde hair and orange eyes. I nodded with an honest expression on my face. The two boys seemed to be in a state of complete shock. The one with black hair spoke up with his hand on his chin in a stupid looking way,

"Ah! I see! Hello (Y/N)! Fast, affordable, and reliable! Delivery God Yato at your service!"

"..domo..." I replied. He laughed and said,

"So open! Oh by the way, this is my Regalia Yukine! Yukine~ come greet (Y/N)~" The boy who was apparently called Yukine was hesitant but eventually made his way in front of me with a blushing face.

"I-I'm Yukine." He was blushing more than ever. I could even feel a blush creep its way onto my cheeks. He was so cute and his shyness even added more cuteness to the whole thing. I looked down at the floor and whispered,

"Hello..Yukine.." Everyone and everything was silent. It was the ultimate awkward situation and I suddenly remember why I went into the bathroom in the first place. I tucked a piece of (H/C) hair behind my ear and said,

"Hey I um..need to..you know.." I glanced at them then over to the stalls. Hiyori smiled and nodded.

"Right! Sorry about this misunderstanding! We'll be going now." She said as she pulled the boys by their ears out of the bathroom. I walked into the first stall, shut the door, and sighed. I wondered,

"Why is my heart beating....so fast?" I held a hand firmly over my heart in confusion. My bladder then once again reminded me of my intentions and I hurriedly did what I went there to do. (A/N: Really Mary?)

After I washed my hands, I went out and walked back to my classroom to get my stuff. I was just about to walk in when I heard a newly familiar voice yell,

"All rise! Attention! Bow! Be seated!" I quietly listened and thought,

"Yukine...?" I heard a little bit of scribbling and then a cheerful voice say,

"I solved it!" My eyes widened. Why did he sound so happy? And why was he saying all that weird stuff earlier? I build up my courage and slid the door open. Yukine quickly stood up.

"I-I..." He started as he looked down in embarrassment. I shut the door and sat down in the seat next to him. He watched my every move as I turned and stared into his eyes.

"So..what are you doing in here all by yourself?" I asked with a gentle yet stern voice. He huffed and turned his face away.

"It's none of your business. Stop pretending like you care." I smiled as his tsundereish personality and chose my next words carefully, trying not to make him feel any farther away than he already was.

"Say Yukine, would you like to be my friend?" I asked in a cheery voice. His eyes widened and he backed up a few steps.

"Y-you don't mean that. I'm not..alive. I don't have a life. I can't have friends." He continued to back up closer to the window as he said that. I stood up in disbelief and shook my head.

"Your wrong! I don't know what happened to you in the past or how you got to where you are now, but I'm different like you! I can be your friend!"

"I don't want to be different! You're a freak and you'll never understand!" He yelled as he turned to run out the door but before he could, a large, harsh looking phantom came crashing through the classroom door and flew out the window, taking me with it.

"(Y/N)!!!!!" I heard Yukine scream from the window. I screamed and tried to get the thing off of me but it didn't budge an inch. I heard a yell in the distance,

"Sekki!" Yato had yelled and suddenly I was released from the phantom, but I still managed to hit the ground pretty hard, knocking me unconscious.

(Time skip)

I slowly opened my eyes to see teary orange ones staring back at me. I recalled what had happened earlier and said,

"Yukin-" "I'm so sorry (Y/N)!!! I d-didn't mean to say those mean things to you! I-I've never had someone come out and say they wanted to be friends with me..I didn't know what to do!" He surprisingly threw his arms around me and cried into my shoulder. I noticed we were in a fairly large house, Hiyori's probably, and seen Yato and Hiyori watching us from the corner of the room. I blushed slightly, but returned my focus to the blonde in my arms. I smiled and pulled away from him slightly, wiping his tears away with my thumbs.

"It's okay Yukine. I know you have an extremely hard life, but I want you to know that your a person too. You have value in this world just like any other person and I want you to live knowing that." He nodded and pulled me in for another hug.

"B-b-but...I don't want to be your friend (Y/N).." Yukine said as he buried his head into the crook of my neck. A hurt expression casted over my face and I asked,

"You don't want to be my friend?"

"No. I want to be more than friends. W-we may have just met but your so beautiful and you can see me..and you didn't judge me for what I am and the way I live and I guess what I'm trying to say is.." He went to continue but I cut him off with a sweet kiss to the lips. He blushed like crazy with his eyes widened and his hands gripping my shoulders.

"I think I'm going to cry.." Yato said out loud as he clung to Hiyori, who lightly giggled and shushed him. I pulled away and said,

"From this moment on, I'll be your friend, your comrad and most importantly your lover. Yukine, I here by swear that no matter what kind of monsters we have to face together in the future, it will be together. I promise that I'll be there for you."

Yukine smiled brightly and tackled me into another hug.

"Me too! I-I love you (Y/N)!!" He said happily. I giggle and blushed slightly,

"I love you too Yukine."


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