{Erwin Smith Part 2}

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Title: Locked Away Secrets

Anime: Attack on Titan


(Your PoV)

As I was looking up at those words, I came to realize something. I remembered hearing a story from my grandmother when I was a little girl about my father. One that was most shocking.

(Young (F/N)'s PoV)

I laid beside my grandma as we were both about to go to bed. I turned to her and asked,

"Granny? Can you tell me something about my daddy? I don't know much about him. He's always away and avoids me a lot..."

My grandma took me into her arms and started,

"Before you were born. A young commoner woman had visited your father's house because she was homeless and needed somewhere to stay. He accepted her out of pity. When she spent that night there, the commoner woman got pregnant. While she was staying with your father, a beautiful lady came and asked to stay with him. Because she was so beautiful your father was love struck and pushed the young maiden out."

I asked,

"Was that young homeless woman my real mommy?"

My grandmother replied,

"She was, and little did your father know that under those ragged clothes your mother was the most beautiful woman in the world. And the woman he took in was a terrible woman who deceived others and stole from them."

I was sad then and forgot about it. Falling asleep in my grandma's arms.

(Back to present)

I ran over to Erwin, telling him about the sudden flash back. He stood there and looked up at the cross again.

"I don't understand. He took the woman in though. Actually he took them both in. Maybe because he told your mother to get out when the second woman came..then..could your mother have done this?"

I looked at him with teary eyes and looked down. He looked over at me with sympathetic eyes and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Please don't worry. I'm a detective. I will find out what happened and bring justice to your father's murder, (f/n)."

I smiled slightly at him and nodded.

"Thank you."

I almost reached out to hug him. It was strange. I had just met the man and yet I wanted to hug him. He seemed to have notice my advances. He came towards me and hugged me softly. As I was looking over his shoulder, I seen a petite silhouette run in the shadows behind the cross. I yelled.


Three police officer's went after them and came out with a person in handcuffs. When the person's face came into the light I was devastated and shocked at the sight.

"Mom...how could you do this?"

There were tears running down both our faces. She yelled,

"Your father! He...He kicked me out for that woman!! When I was desperate and in need and pregnant at that! He needed to be taught a lesson and feel my pain!"

I stood there in disbelief then after two minutes, Erwin told the men to take her away. I turned to Erwin and looked up at him.

"What am I going to do now? I-I can't ever come back to this museum and and I don't have a place to stay!"

Erwin pulled me close and sighed.

"Don't worry (f/n), I'm going to take care of you. You can stay with me."

I looked back up at him to see him smiling down at me. I nodded and he took my hand. We left there together. The case was solved and Erwin and I knew that was never going to happen again.

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