{Levi Ackerman}

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Title: Clean

Anime: Attack on Titan

A/N: I haven't done a Levi one in a while and this one just goes perfect with him ehehe omg you guys I just played basketball and soccer out in the scorching sun and now I have a sun burn. Yay fair skin. (¬_¬) anyways in this one shit (OMG AUTOCORRECT STOP) SHOT you and Levi are married and no it does not relate to my previous married one. Hope you enjoy! Ja~


(Your PoV)

I held back a chuckle as I watched my husband go to town in the kitchen. The smell of cleaning products were just too much to handle so I had to open the windows. As if the kitchen wasn't spotless already, Levi continued to get every invisible piece of dirt off of the kitchen surfaces. Why is he being an even more clean freak than usual? Well, might as well start from the beginning.

(Flashback noises as I wiggle my fingers at you)

"Dad!" Our 16 year old daughter shouted at Levi as she walked through the door.

"What is it Isabelle?" He turned towards her with his arms crossed. She gave him a nervous chuckle and said,

"Well..you see..I have a...um..." I butted into the conversation, saying,

"Honey you know you can tell your father and I anything." She nodded lightly and looked down, quickly mumbling,

"I have a boyfriend." Levi immediately froze up and dropped the tv remote that was in his hand. He was staring at her in shock. He said wearily,

"Please..say that again."

"I have a boyfriend." Levi looked over at me then back at her.

"And who is this shitty brat exactly?" She huffed and pouted.

"This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you! The minute he walks in the door you're going to give him one look, then do that tch thing and then you'll walk away!!" She shouted. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Look, I won't do that. I just want what's best for you." She sighed in relief and hugged him.

"Okay! He's coming over in 2 hours!" Both Levi and I froze. Levi immediately shooed Isabelle to her room and got the cleaning supplies out. I laughed and leaned on the counter.

"Let's be honest here Levi, you maybe be trying to put up a front but I can see right through you. You're actually going to try and impress him!" He replied with his usual tch and said in a low voice,

"Yeah right. This fuck boy better come and see my standards because if he's going to love my daughter he better create a clean environment for he-" "Okay okay jeez Levi calm down. I know you're worried but she's a big girl okay?" I said as I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a reassuring hug. He sighed and hugged me back, also giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"You're right. That still doesn't mean I'm not going to clean." He said as he separated from me and got back to his cleaning. I laughed and went to go straighten up the living room.

(Back to present, 5 minutes before boyfriend's arrival)

Levi stood in the middle of the living room with his arms crossed and a dark aurora around him. He was staring straight at the door, obviously ready to intimidate the hell out of the boy.

Suddenly, the door bell ran. Isabelle came running down the steps in a cute dress with her hair done. She said in a sweet voice,

"Coming!~" She opened the door to reveal a quite tall guy with blondish hair and a good boy vibe to him. He smiled and walked in, not being effected by Levi's glare. I watched in amusement as the boy walked straight up to Levi and introduced himself.

"Hello sir. My name is Farlan Church. I really like your daughter, no I'm very sure that I'm in love with her and tonight I am going to prove myself worthy." Levi looked at him with a shocked expression. This boy had the guts to say all that and even confessing his love right in front of him. Levi was impressed, although he wasn't going to admit it any time soon. Levi shook his hand and said,

"Let's move to the kitchen, shall we?" I thought in realization.

"This is the real test." We all went to the kitchen and the moment Farlan stepped into the room, he smiled widely.

"Awesome!! Who ever cleaned this room is a true artist!" Levi was getting more attached to this boy by the second. He thought,

"This guy might be alright. Even though my daughter is too good for anyone, this guy might just make it by a land slide." I suddenly told everyone to go to the dinning room so I could bring out dinner.

(Time skip)

After a good 30 minutes of talking, eating, and getting to know eachother both Levi and I decided that we approved of this boy. We didn't say anything to them yet about it though. After I cleaned up the food, we moved into the living room. Isabelle and Farlan sat across from us on the couch and we sat on the love seat. After a bit of silence, Farlan said,

"I hope I made a good impression on you and you'll accept me as your daughters boyfriend. I promise to treat her with the upmost respect and cherish her no matter what." Levi and I looked at eachother and then turned back to them.

"Okay." Levi said in a firm voice. Isabelle and Farlan gasped and hugged eachother. Levi then continued,

"Tch. Don't think I'm letting you off that easy brat. If you ever think about hurting my daughter in any way, I will rip you a second asshole. You got that?" Farlan chuckled and nodded. Isabelle excitedly walked out with Farlan to see him out. Levi sighed and sunk deeper into the seat. I giggled and laid my head on his shoulder.

"C'mon Levi give him a break. You know at one time that was you with my dad." He chuckled and leaned his head onto mine.

"Yeah and somehow your dad is a fucking giant. Oh well, I did it because I love you." I gasped and sat up.

"Stop being so sappy it scares me!" I said as I stared into his eyes. He smirked and brought me closer to him.

"Then, would you rather me act a different way?" He then gave me a passionate kiss and pushed me down onto the love seat. We heard the door shut but didn't pull away from each other. Isabelle shouted,

"Mom! Dad! Don't do that here!!!" She ran up to her room with a blush on her face. Levi and I laughed and continued to kiss, sharing the feelings that we held for each other through all these years.

A/N: I love you guys. I love you so much we should all date each other. Like sister wives but online. I'm down yo. (I'm sorry I'm a lonely ginger who wants friends (( just ignore me I'm not sane))) OKAY BYE BYE.

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