{Sebastian Michaelis Part 1} *HALLOWEEN SPECIAL*

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Title: Unexpectedly In Love With You

Anime: Black Butler

Making this a high school AU because why not.

I decided to combined the Bassy fluff requests and lemon requests into one. It will be like any other one-shot, but I'll put this one as part 1 and then I'll upload the second one as a continuation called part 2 lemon or something. Idek enjoy this rushed kinda yandere Bassy.


You watched with a scowl as the popular girls talked to Sebastian. It wasn't a shock really, they always tried to push their slutty bodies onto him. They always got his attention, something you yearned for. You fell in love with the black haired male ever since he helped you carry your books to your class on the first day of school. Ever since then you tried everything in your power to get closer to him, but they always came in between that.

You slammed your plate down on the lunch table and ate with anger as you glared at the popular kids table. Your friends, Baldroy, Meyrin, and Finny all stared at you in confusion and shock as to your actions. They were all nervous to try to talk to you but Meyrin got the courage to do so.

"(Y-Y/N)? What's the matter?" She asked as she pushed up her glasses. You grunted and glared harder at the make-up covered whores who flirted with your not-so-much-bae. The group turned to see what you were staring at and smiled.

"Ahhh Sebastian again, ey? That fellow is pretty far-fetched don't you think?" Baldroy asked you as he smiled widely. You were fuming with anger by then and it made you slam your fist down on the table, hard. It grabbed everyone in the lunch rooms attention, and I mean EVERYONE. Sebastian and everyone else at the popular table shot their gazes over in your direction, obviously curious to what the fuss was all about. When the popular girls seen you standing up they smirked and said out loud,

"Oh, it's just her. Don't worry about her Sebastian, she isn't much." The one blonde headed girl said. Your heart sunk and you looked over at Sebastian to see him smiling at you. You automatically got up and walked out of the lunch room to the hall, thinking that his smile was in agreement to her insult.

You went into the bathroom and quickly walked into one of the stalls. You sat on the closed toilet and brought your knees up to your chest.

"Of course he would agree with them, it's not like I'm pretty or anything."

"Oh but you are, (Y/N)." A voice outside the stall said, dripping with flirtation. You gasped and thought,

"What is he doing here? Did he follow me?"

You opened up the stall to see Sebastian leaning up against the wall near the hand dryers. You looked down and said,

"Don't say that..I know you agree with her.." Sebastian took long strides till he was standing right in front of you. He put his slender finger under your chin and pulled up, making you face him.

You immediately took notice of all the devilishly handsome features on his face. His jet black hair that framed his face to perfection, his unusual red eyes, his smirk that could make a whole country fall down to their knees in worship, it made you want to pass out right then and there.

He came close enough to your face to kiss you, but then stopped when your noses were touching. He whispered,

"What she said and what I think are nothing alike. They're too foolish to see your beauty, hell, they're too foolish to see anything." The butterflies in your stomachs were now almost intoxicating, and not wanting to wait any longer, you connected your lips with his. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pushed your lips agains his harder. He obliged and kissed back just as hard. He glided his tongue against your bottom lip and slid it into your mouth almost immediately. Your tongues raveled together as you moaned into the kiss, Sebastian himself ever gave a grunt.

He pulled away before kissing you once again, and before you knew it, it had turned into a full blown out make-out session. Your legs were around his waist and his arms were up the back of your shirt. You were just about to run your hands through his hair when the popular girls that tainted you before all walked in. They gasped upon seeing you, making you and Sebastian turn your heads. The blonde girl from earlier said in a worried tone,

"SEBBY?! W-what are you doing..with that..that thing!?!?" She shrieked as the other girls nodded their heads. Sebastian scoffed silently and sat you down. He whispered to you while staring into your eyes.

"Wait here love." He kissed your forehead then walked straight over to the girls. The blonde girl grabbed onto his shirt and looked up at him.

"Please tell me this is lie..you can't be with that ugly pig..." She said with pleading eyes. Sebastian just smiled once again before his smile turned into a devilish, evil smirk. He slapped the girls hand away from him and grabbed her face with his hand. He whispered into her ear,

"The only fat pig I see in here, is you. I suggest you leave before you wake up at the bottom of a river." He jerked the girl away from him and made her fall on the floor. Her friends gasped and picked her up, carrying her out of the bathroom. You watched in amazement at the scene, you never knew Sebastian felt so strongly for you. You said,

"Sebastian..I..." He smiled sweetly and came back over to you.

"Shh.." He pulled your head into his chest and said,

"Ever since I carried those books for you, I thought you were the most charming girl I could've ever met. I wished I could've asked you then and there, but you seen how those girls are, they would've hurt you. But now I'm able to protect you, I love you (Y/N)." He said in a low, calming voice. You smiled and looked up at him. You cupped your hand onto his cheek and watched as he kissed the inside of your palm. You blushed and said,

"Thank you, Sebastian I'm so happy. I love you too." He gave you an eye smile and said,

"How about I walk you home today after school, my little kitten." You blushed at his nickname and smiled, entwining your fingers with his. You said quietly,



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