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Title: My Lightweighted Wife

Anime: Black Butler


Alois was someone who if not enjoying himself, became royally pissed. You should know, you were married to him. Today was one of the days you could prove the fact stated above. You and Alois were invited to a Halloween play preformed by orphan children Alois donated money to. At first it was going well, but when it got to the climax of the play, Alois started to complain.

"I'm not entertained, Claude do something." He commanded as he swept a few locks of blonde hair out of his eyes. Claude glanced at you, perhaps asking you if he should listen to him. You shook your head and turned to Alois, putting a hand over his you said,

"Now dear, you must be patient. These children have worked hard to put on this play for you." He looked at you and sighed in defeat, after all you were his weakness.

You sat back in your seat, not forgetting to intertwine your fingers with Alois to calm him down. You proceeded to watch it and soon enough, it came to its resolution.

Alois stood up and clapped, although you could see it was sarcastically. You kicked him in the shin and clapped loudly while smiling at the children. They giggled and bowed, happy to see that you enjoyed it. Alois groaned in pain at your actions but started to clap honestly. You smiled in satisfaction and took Alois's hand, ready to leave.

You walked out and much to your surprise, there was a fancy carriage waiting for you outside the theater. You looked at him and asked,

"What's this?" Alois smiled and replied,

"Just something. Don't worry about it and just get inside." You gave into him and opened up the door to be greeted by the sweet smell of wine and different sorts of luxurious cheeses. You got in and immediately grabbed a wine glass, ready to get a taste of the delicious smell that occupied your nose. Alois got in after you and Claude got in the front, obviously he was going to drive.

"Shall I pour you some wine?" Alois asked as he started to open a bottle. You nodded happily and snuggled closer to Alois as he poured the red liquid into your glass.

Once he was done, you brought the glass to your lips and took a large gulp. Alois chuckled slightly and said,

"Drink too much at once and you'll get drunk. (Y/N) you know how much of a lightweight you are." You rolled your eyes at his words and continued to chug down the drink. After it was empty, you filled it up once...twice..three times before Alois had to take the bottle away.

"You're drunk (Y/N) stop." You pouted and felt the heat against your cheeks worsen.

"I'm not drunk how dare you!" He leaned away from you and replied,

"Well I hate to break it to you but that's what all drunks say." He crossed his legs and looked forward. You suddenly got on the seat on all fours and looked up at him with an innocent face.

"Alois..." He looked over and once he seen your state, he blushed and looked away.

"W-what.." He asked hesitantly as he tried not to let you get to him. You giggled and climbed onto his lap. You sat yourself down and leaned against his chest.

"I love you Alois." You said as you closed your eyes. He scoffed and wrapped his arms around your torso. He replied,

"I love you to-" "shhhhuu~" Alois was interrupted by your loud breathing. He smiled slightly, knowing that meant that you were asleep. He sighed and told Claude,

"Take us home." He then turned to look at you before whispering,

"My lightweighted wife, what would I do without you?"

A/N: The shit storm is getting even closer now

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