{Sugawara Kōshi}

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Title: It Takes Two to Tango

Anime: Haikyuu!!


It was that time of your high school life. The ball gowns, the beautiful decorations, the whole nine yards. Of course your seniors had told you that EVERYBODY was going to be there, but the only way that you were going was if your ultimate crush senpai, Sugawara asked you to it...and you absolutely brainwashed yourself telling yourself there was no way in hell he was going to ask you. He was your senpai, the boy next door, your one sided love boat (or so you thought).

You sighed as you read the text you're friend sent you. Not only was she bragging about her boyfriend asking her to prom, but she also attached a picture of the dress she bought for the 'special occasion.'

You scoffed and threw your phone on your bed.

"Yeah right. She buys clothes any chance she can get." You murmured as you spun around slowly in your spiny chair. Your mind roamed to thoughts of Sugawara. What wasn't there to love? He was absolutely perfect in your eyes and knowing that he didn't notice you hurt even worse.

You breathed deeply and glanced over to his window. As soon as you looked over, you noticed him looking over at you. You blushed so hard you thought he could feel the heat from all the way over there. He gave you a light smile and waved, in which you hesitantly and shyly returned.

He put up a finger as to say, 'what a minute.' You nodded and waited patiently. He got a mini whiteboard and started to write on it. He pushed it to the window so that you could see it.

"Are you going to prom?" You said aloud and then hurried up and got your whiteboard and wrote down.

"I don't know. My friend wants me to go but I don't do well at things like that." He read it and nodded. He wrote again,

"Same here. Daichi and Tanaka wants me to go with them but I feel like it's just going to be tanaka picking up chicks and daichi..well I don't really know why he agreed o(ω' )o." He added a cute emoji at the end of his writing, making you burst out laughing. Sugawara was staring at you the whole time, admiring your sweet laughter he could barely hear through your closed windows. You giggled a little before looking at the time. You quickly wrote down,

"I'm glad we got to talk. It's getting pretty late so I'm going to bed now~ talk to you later!" He smiled and nodded. He mouthed a goodnight before closing his curtains. You sighed in content as the past few minutes ran through your head. You closed your curtains and pounced on your bed, screaming into your pillow in happiness.

(Sugawara's PoV)

"I'm glad we got to talk. It's getting pretty late so I'm going to bed now~ talk to you later!" I read that and smiled at her, waving lightly. I then mouthed a goodnight to her before closing my curtains. I sat down on the chair on my desk, the last few moments running through my head. I couldn't help but smile. God. (Y/N) was so beautiful. How did she manage to make me fall for her like that. I see her all the time at school but never get the chance to talk to her. I taped my fingers on my desk as I smiled even wider.

Still grinning, I sat up and walked over to my bed. I laid down on my bed with my hands behind my head, falling asleep thinking of that beautiful kohai that lived next door.

(Your PoV) (Time Skip to Prom Night)

I stood staring at the school entrance, which was decked out with different decorations for the night. Somehow my friend and her boyfriend convinced me to go. They walked up to me. She said, "C'mon (Y/N)! Let's go in!" I scrunched my nose and followed her in.

Music was booming through the gym and strobe lights making me temporarily blind. Students behind me kept flooding in, forcing me to stand near the wall. I sighed, loosing sigh of my friend. It was alright actually, I didn't want to be a third wheel. I walked over and got some punch. I glanced over and looked at all the other girls dresses, then glanced down at my own. It was a baby blue semi-formal gown with a white bow and as the skirt gradually went down, more sparkles showed. That and matching heels.

I took a sip of my drink before it got rudely splattered over me. I gasped and looked up at the culprit. Of course. It was the popular girl from our school, Kate. (I just picked a random name)

She gasped in exaggeration and tried to clean it up with a tissue but 'accidentally' spilled the drink that was in her hand on me too. I could feel the tears come to the rim of my eyes. She said,

"That's what you get for being a little anti-social nerd. We all know you like Sugawara senpai~ but guess what princess? He'll never like you back!" She laughed with her friends behind her. A loud voice came from a little ways from us.

"That's not true." Kate and I turned to look at the person. Holy shit. There stood the man himself with the most pissed off face in the century. He walked over to us and grabbed me, pulling me into his chest.

"Kate, you listen and you listen good. This girl in my arms right now is the only woman I'll ever love for the rest of my life. I've fallen in love with her. And you know what? Yes. She is an anti-social nerd just like you said. That's one of the reasons I love her. She isn't a girl that goes out and cakes make up on her face or go out with multiple guys at a time. She's not like you. If you ever think about touching her again, I won't hesitate to do something about it." He then left her absolutely flabbergasted and pulled me with him outside.

We were in the park a little ways from school, silently swinging on the swings. I was still processing what he said in my mind.

"He loves me?" I thought as I stared at the ground. The sound of him getting up snapped me out of my thoughts. He walked over to stand in front of me. I gazed up at him, feeling the tears returning to my eyes. Suga's eyes widened and then softened as he pulled me up and hugged me tightly but tenderly.

"It's okay. I'm here." He said as he stroked my hair. I continued to cry and said against his chest,

"I felt so embarrassed and s-she said that you would never like me. Then..then when *hic* you said you loved me I felt so happy and so relieved." He gasped slightly and pulled away to look at me. He stared into my eyes and said,

"I meant every word." He then stooped down to my level and gave me the most loving kiss I could've ever asked for. I kissed back immediately, wanting to make our first kiss a rememberable one. We pulled apart, quietly panting. I smiled and whispered,

"I love you too. God, Suga I've loved you since the first time I laid my eyes on you." He smiled and hugged me once again.

"I'm glad. Now! The big question." He cleared his voice and starred into my eyes.

"Miss (Y/N) (L/N), do you take me to be your loffly not-quite-yet-wedded boyfriend?" I giggled and gave him a peck on the lips.

"I do!"


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