{Erwin Smith}

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Title: Pardon My Intrusion

Anime: Attack on Titan


(Your PoV)

I was working on an assignment for my major. It was pretty lengthly so I knew I was going to stay up quite a while. I sighed and took a sip of my drink, quenching the thirst that had risen inside me. (What am I writing) My roommate, Hanji, came through the door in her usually happy-go-lucky mood. She came from behind me and chimed,

"Guess what (Y/N)~" I groaned and turned around to face her while saying,

"What!?" She chuckled and whispered,

"My boyfriend is coming over tonight~" I sighed at the oh so disturbing news. Her boyfriend, Mike, had came over once before and you can imagine where that led. Let's just say I had my hands pressed against my ears and the entire night I felt awkward as hell. I got up and proclaimed,

"Then I'm going somewhere else. I don't want to hear you guys go at it all night like last time. Do you know how hard it is when he says hello to me? All I imagine is you two having sex!" She rubbed the back of her neck and replied,

"Sorry about that. Heh. I'm sure someone will let you stay in their dorm!" I 'tched' at her and sat back down, continuing the work I was trying to finish before I got so rudely interrupted.

(Time skipeu)

Hanji told me that Mike was coming over in 30 minutes, and that was my signal to high-tail it out of there. I packed a small back for overnight, including the paper I still hadn't finished, clothes, and other necessities I needed. I walked towards the door and threw Hanji a share glare.

"You owe me." She smiled and waved,

"Okay okay, See you tomorrow!" I walked out the door and shut it, looking at the time I seen it was 8 pm.

I turned around and banged my head against the wall. I said out loud to no one in particular,

"Damn it! Who's going to let me stay in their dorm at this time of night?!"

"You can stay with me if you want." I whipped my head towards the deep voice to see Erwin Smith. Rumor has it he's one of the smartest guys in the entire country, and obviously he's hot as hell. I've talked to him several times before and can clarify both myself. I blushed slightly and stuttered,

"U-um..well..I don't want to impose.." He chuckled slightly and picked up my bag.

"Don't worry about it. We're friends right?" He walked down the hall with me right behind him. Upon arrival at his dorm, he opened the door and let me in first. It was clean, there were books everywhere, and it felt so nice and cozy. He shut the door and carefully sat my bag on the couch.

"I don't have a roommate so you don't have to worry about anyone else coming in here." He said with a smiling face and then turned and went into the kitchen. I said loud enough for him to hear,

"I really appreciate this Erwin. My roommate Hanji has her boyfriend coming over and well..."

"Haha yeah I understand. I would've done the same thing don't worry about it. More importantly." He said as he sat a cup of tea in front of me. I smiled slightly, tucking a (H/C) loose hair behind my ear.

"Thank you very much Erwin." He smiled and sat down beside me.

"You're welcome (Y/N)." He said as he gently patted my head. I blushed due to his little action and said shyly,

"Could we m-maybe watch a movie?" I looked up at him with my (E/C) eyes. He stared back down at me, eyes slightly widened. His face then relaxed and broke out into a warm smile.

"Of course. Any movie you would like to watch, we'll watch it." I thought and thought until a blush creeped on my face when I finally came up with the movie I wanted to watch. I put my head down and mumbled,

"I want to watch beauty and the beast."

I thought he was going to laugh at me but when I looked up at him he had the biggest smile on my face.

"Actually I had that movie in mind too. It's one of my favorites." I smiled and happily squirmed on the couch beside Erwin as he selected the movie.

(During the movie)

I felt Erwin's eyes on me every once in a while, making me more self-conscious by the second. I couldn't say I wasn't happy that he was looking at me, I was just very embarrassed. I felt his arm around my shoulder and looked up at him. He had a tiny blush on his face and said,

"I hope..you don't mind this.." He was looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I shook my head and bravely snuggled closer to him. I suddenly had the confidence to do so.

While watching the movie I couldn't help but feel in my heart that I liked him. His golden hair that made me want to run my hands through it, his baby blue eyes that sent my heart racing a mile a minute, and his smile that made me want to smile right along with him.

I hadn't realized while thinking this that I was staring at him. In the movie, belle and the beast were dancing together in the ball-room. In real life, the only people that existed was me and Erwin. Right there. Right then. The background music was the only other thing we heard. I was on my knees on the couch, staring straight at him and him staring straight back. He suddenly pulled me in for a longing kiss. I swung my leg over so I was straddling him and kissed him back harder. The kiss was passionate, loving, lustful, and so many more words I couldn't think off. We pulled apart and gazed at each other at a close distance. He said,

"(Y/N) I think I like you." I blushed and made circles into his chest with my finger.

"I-I think I like you too." He laughed happily and hugged me.

"So then will you be my girlfriend?" I happily nodded and kissed him again while the movie and song came to an end.

A/N: Hey guys~ so we almost have 10K views and I don't even know how like I'm dying. Not only that but this one-shot really sucked some major butt. Oh well! I'm gunna keep writing anyway so 😚❤️ OKAY BYE BYE!

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