{MurasakiBAEra Atsushi}

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Title: For you

Anime: Kuroko no Basket

In honor of my beloved, I bring you a Murasakibara one-shot (he's mine but I'll let you guys have him temporarily) BTW HAPPY LEIF ERIKSON DAY!! *puts on red beard and viking hat* HINGA DINGA DURGAN


You unconsciously squeezed the box of chocolates in your hand tighter as you watched Murasakibara begin to be flocked by his fangirls with handmade sweets and snacks in honor of his birthday. You yourself had woken up 2 hours earlier than usual (which was 6 am) to make him some chocolates.

Chocolates that were carefully prepared with love confessions written on every single one. But here you were silently watching your love slip farther away from you and any chance of being noticed ripped away from you before you could even grasp it.

You absolutely adored Murasakibara Atsushi. Most people would look at you strangely and ask, "Why do you like that purple glutton?" You ignored their offensive comment and just thought to yourself,

"He's different. Murasakibara Atsushi is irreplaceable, he's his own person. So handsome and dignified yet so childish and silly. He said he only played basketball because he was good at it but that's not true at all. He loves it. His hidden love for things shows how much of a conservative person he is. I admire him a lot and he gets underestimated too quickly. I love him so much it hurts but he would never notice me. I'm okay with that though..just watching him from afar, enjoying life is everything I could ask for."

That wasn't exactly true though, you knew deep inside your heart that wasn't what you wanted. You wanted to be near him, you wanted to talk to him, you wanted to be the one who made him smile. And that's what brought you to this moment. The most important moment in your life time.

Your heart started beating faster as you walked up to a lone Murasakibara, because finally all the fangirls calmed down and left him alone. He was drinking out of the water fountain when you bowed 90 degree's and held out the chocolates.

"E-excuse me! I-I just wanted to say happy birthday! And I made you these!" Your eyes were closed so tightly you thought they were gunna explode. After a few seconds, he spoke out.

"Ehh?...who are you?" Your eyes widened and you looked up at him, staring into his purple, tired eyes. You scoffed as you felt the tears surface at the bottom of your eyes. You said in a quiet voice,

"Of course you wouldn't know who I am. I'm just another fangirl girl?" The tears that had been previously threatening to fall fell like Wall Maria at last. You quickly wiped your tears on your sleeve and shoved the box in his hand,

"Listen, just forget this ever happened. Here's some chocolates I made. Happy Birthday Murasakibara Atsushi, I love you." You then walked out of the school building and ran all the way home. You didn't give a shit if it was the middle of school or not, you had to get out of that place. You burst through the door, obviously scaring your mother. She said with a shocked face,

"(Y/N) (L/N), what are you doing home?" You looked down and said,

"Sick." You then ran upstairs and leaped onto your bed. Your heart clenched as more tears spilled out of your eyes, but you put yourself through more heartbreak and replayed the scene in your mind over and over again. Your mother came into your room and said,

"Um..honey..this might sound weird but there's a very large purple-haired man with me and he says he wants to talk to you." You didn't even move because what she said hadn't processed through your brain. You continued to cry and talk nonsense into your pillow until a heavy dip made its way into the side of your bed. You whipped your head up to see Murasakibara looking down at you while eating the chocolate you had made for him. You shot up and screamed,

"M-MURASAKIBARA! What are you doing h-here?"

"(Y/N)-chin didn't let me say anything when she confessed so I came here." He said in his usual lazy voice. You sat up and faced him while asking,

"You know who I am? But..didn't you.."

"Gomen, I forget things easily..I even forgot the name of the girl I liked. When you came up to me I knew your face but couldn't remember your name..that's why I asked.." He said while pouting lightly. You became a blushing mania. Did he just say the girl he liked? And also the letters Y O U afterwards?

You started tearing up again and that made Atsushi's face tainted with concern.

"What's wrong (Y/N)-chin? Did I say something wrong?" He asked while tilting his head to the right. You shook your head and laughed a little.

"N-no you said everything I've ever wanted to hear in my entire life Murasakibara..I like..no I love you and I always have and I sure as hell always will. I-I was so worried you didn't know who I was or my name I jus-"

You were so rudely cut off by a chocolate being stuffed into your mouth.


"(Y/N)-chin has chocolate on her lips. Looks like the chocolate police is going to have to clean it up." He mumbled as he gave you a sweet kiss on the lips. Your tongues danced against each other's as you felt tears glide down your cheeks once more. It was like a fairy tale and you were really hoping that this wasn't another amazing dream like one's you've dreamt before. Atsushi pulled away and whispered,

"Why are you crying, (Y/N)-chin?"

"I thought you'd never notice me."

"I've always noticed you," he started as he popped a chocolate into his mouth and continued, "when you would watch us practice or when you would work
hard on your assignments..or even when you weren't doing anything..I always thought you were beautiful." He said as he smiled slightly. He then tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and coming in closer to your face. You breathed deeply as he stopped right right in front of your face before kissing you on the cheek and pulling you into his lap for a loving hug. You wrapped your arms around his tall, strong figure as he did the same. You took a good whiff of his sweet sent and made a mental note of how he was a mixture of chocolate and different combinations of snacks you couldn't identify.

After 5 minutes, you both pulled away. You smiled and ran a hand down his soft cheek before whispering,

"Happy birthday, I love you." He smiled and kissed your hand.

"It's a happy birthday because I get to spend it with you.."

A/N: EXCUSE ME WHILE I GOT CRY FOR ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN YEARS I LOVE HIM SO MUCH LIKE I CANT EVEN BEGIN TO EXPLAIN IT THIS ONE SHOT IS ONLY A MEAR GLIMPSE OF HOW I FEEL. I'm writing this from the bottom of my heart because I absolutely adore Murasakibara Atsushi like I literally have a shrine in my room for him. I wish I was joking. *takes a deep breath and repeats to self* will not start singing the birthday song from pretty boys don't cry to pearl will not start singing the birthday son- ITS ALL ABOUT YOU SUSHI, ON YOUR 16TH BIRTHDAY YOU GET YOUR VERY OW- *someone in the distance*: NOT THIS AGAIN *throws brick at my head* ..... *is dead* (bye bye sorry I didn't post the Ciel part 2 I swear it's coming I can't help it I love mura so much)

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