{Tokiya Ichinose}

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Title: Sunsets and Rings

Anime: Uta no Prince~Sama

A/N: This is my first one shot written on my computer and I'm terrified


Today was the day. The day that marked three years dating the love of your life, Tokiya Ichinose. He said he had 'things' to do today and you were highly suspicious of your blue haired lover. You were secretly hoping that your anniversary would run down like it did last year. Morning cuddles and sweet nothings, lunch in the backyard, your favorite movie with the best popcorn ever made, and then a passionate night that made you realize that Tokiya really was the only one for you. It was pretty amazing, how he made you feel and now noticing you wouldn't be able to spend yet another amazing day together made you feel a despicable loneliness you wished you couldn't feel.

You sighed as you looked over to the empty spot in your bed. Of course you didn't want to be selfish and say,

"Well it's our anniversary! Can't I just have you all to myself today?" but sometimes being selfish was okay right? Couldn't you be like this just for today? You shook the nonsense out of your head and decided to get dressed. Putting on your favorite sweater, leggings, and combat boots you headed outside. Once the winter chill hit your face, you snuggled deeper into your scarf and hugged your purse closer to your chest. You murmured as you stood on the steps of your house,

"Damn Tokiya, leaving me in the cold all by myself."

"Who's leaving who all by themselves?" You heard the person behind you say as you felt strong arms wrap around you in a sweet embrace.

"T-Tokiya." You had to admit it, you were surprised he was there. Didn't he say he wouldn't be able to see you today? Confused, you started,

"Weren't yo-"

"Do you honestly think I wouldn't spend the happiest day in my life with the person I love most of all." He whispered from behind, sending chills up your spine and butterflies in your stomach. He nuzzled his face into your (H/C) hair, smelling the sweet scent of your shampoo. You blushed at this action and tried not to show it. He chuckled and turned you around so you faced him.



"Kiss me." You were taken back by his words. Of course you guys had kissed many times but for some reason him saying, 'kiss me' made you get instantly embarrassed. You hesitantly went up on your tippy toes and brushed your lips against his, but apparently that wasn't enough for him. He put a hand on your nape and pulled you in for an even more intimate exchange. Feeling his kiss get more hungerly, you pulled back not only for air, but also to stop your boyfriend from something he couldn't stop himself.

"Tokiya let's go on a date!" You chimed as you grabbed ahold of his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. He smiled widely and kissed the top of your head.

"Let's go on a date."

(Time skip cuz I'm a lazy ginger)

You guys went on the ideal date. First, an amusement park you had just been dying to go to for the last two months, then lunch at a cozy cafe, and now here you were at dinner at a restaurant you had been talking about for a long time, but it was very expensive and to be honest, you were a pretty cheapy kind of person. You sat across from Tokiya as you ate your (Meal that you really love). He watched you with passionate eyes and ate his at the same time.

After dinner, he said,

"Now for the finale, you must put this on." He handed you a blindfold. You squinted your eyes at him, uneasy as to why he wanted you to wear such a thing.

"Please just wear it, (Y/N)." You sighed in defeat and took the cloth out of your boyfriends' hand. You tied it around your face and held out a hand, in which Tokiya happily took.

You guys walked for a solid 10 minuted, until you heard a door creak open and a blast of cold air hit your exposed face. Tokiya moved your scarf closer to your face and took your blindfold off. You stared at what was in front of you. He had brought you up to your old school roof, the place you guys first started dating. The thing that really put this whole surprise together was that the school building had a perfect view of the sun set. Your mouth dropped in awe.

"Tokiya..did you..plan all this?" He nodded and pulled you over to the edge so you could get a better view. The pinks, reds, and oranges were absolutely breathtaking but when you looked over at your boyfriend, it was a sight that was even more beautiful that the sunset. There he was, down on one knee, with a beautiful diamond ring proclaiming itself to you. You immediately felt hot tears streaming down your face for you knew what was to come.

"(Y/N), I met you on this exact day three years ago. When I seen you walk through the classroom door, I knew I had to make you mine. So I did. But even more so, I want to make you mine for the rest of our lives. Will you please do me the honor of becoming Mrs. (Y/N) Ichinose?" You noticed he was nervous and also had tears running down his face. You nodded and pounced on him, hugging him so hard you thought it was going to kill him. You pulled away and kissed him so passionately you thought he was going to melt away. That didn't matter though, because soon enough he was going to become your husband.


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