{Kiyoshi Teppei}

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Title: Jealous

Anime: Kuroko no Basket

A/N: He's such a cutie I'm crying and when I was looking through prompts I just knew this was for him. I'm really scared about the 'Can't see chapter thing' like what if it happens to me TT_TT I DONT WANT THIS I ALREADY LOST ALL MY WORK ON NOTES okay I'm sorry I'm talking to much it's 5:07 am let's go!


You were sound asleep snuggled up to your boyfriend, Kiyoshi Teppei, when suddenly his phone started ringing. You both shot up, him answering his phone and you falling out of bed.

"Hello? Oh hold on (Y/N) just fell of the bed I need to- (Y/N) sweetheart are you okay?" He said as he pressed the phone into his shoulder, holding both arms out to help you. You winced in pain as you got back on the bed.

"Y-yeah I'm fine...but who is it calling at..4:38 am?" He listened to the person talking and said,

"Alright I'll be right over. Don't move to much and stay in bed. Mmhm. Okay see you in a little bit Riko." He slapped his phone shut. You growled slightly as the name rolled off his tongue.

Riko. You knew about them, about their past, and this didn't make you very happy. You didn't even know why she called and you were already angry. Of course you didn't hate her, it's just that she usually was around your boyfriend more then necessary or asked for too much in your opinion. He sighed and pulled you into his lap.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), Riko is really sick right now and a very important game is coming up so we need her. I need to go and see if she's alright." You were suddenly depressed and upset on the inside. You knew you shouldn't have been like that, but you just couldn't help the feeling in your heart. You didn't say a word after that, you just nodded and crawled into your space on your shared bed. He smiled as he watched you.

"I'll be home later. I love you very much (Y/N)." He said as he kissed you on the head. He quickly got dressed and soon enough you heard the front door slam shut.

(Time skip)

It had been 12 hours. Twelve long hours that Teppei had been with Riko. You were absolutely livid. How could he be over there all that time and take care of her for twelve hours. It was ridiculous and you decided that you weren't going to give in to him when he came home. It was 5 pm when he walked through the door with a sigh.

"Man..I'm beat! Hey (Y/N)~ how was your day? We should go take a nap togethe-" "why don't you go ask Riko if she wants to take a nap with you? It's only 5 pm and since apparently when she calls and needs you the time doesn't matter, I'm sure she'll be just fine with it." You then walked to your bed and hid under the covers. You were very upset but you told yourself that the last thing you were going to do was cry. You knew he didn't deserve your rude comments but the jealousy just took over. You heard footsteps stop as your side of the bed, and then suddenly someone was sitting right beside you.

"(Y/N)...don't be like this..you know I only love you. I just wanted her to be well you know she's still my friend. I only have eyes for you." He pulled your head out from under the covers and flashed you that heart warming smile that always made everyone swoon and say, 'He's so cute! How did you manage to get a guy so cheeky!' How did you manage to get such a wonderful boyfriend? You sighed and took his big hand in yours. You rubbed it up against your cheek and said,

"I'm sorry Teppei. I just..got jealous and don't want anyone to steal you away from me. You and I both know I can't live without you. I love you too much and if I lost you..." You looked up at him but your gaze was met and lured to his lips which were drawing dangerously closer. He softly placed his lips on yours in a reassuring kiss. You inhaled and slid your arms around his neck, pulling him down on top of you.

"(Y/N) how dare you do this to me. I just got home and you already want to make advances on me?" You giggled and whispered,

"That's what you get for making me jealous."

"Honey I love you and only you." He said as he gazed into your eyes. You smiled and nodded.

"I know I'm sorry I doubted you. I love you too, my sweet iron hearted boyfriend." He sighed in content and said,

"Now. How about that nap?" You nodded and pulled him down on you, forcing him to collapse on the bed. You laughed and kissed his temple, eventually falling asleep together knowing that the love you felt for each other didn't falter but only grew stronger.

A/N: my hand is now numb. You guys see the shit I spew out at 5 am. I'll edit this tomorrow or today or fuck whatever idk I have to go to the bathroom. I have a bladder the size of a pea. Also 7k views you guys are so amazing I feel so loved *hugs the living daylights out of all of you* OKAY BYE BYE!

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