{Tamaki Suoh}

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Title: Trip into the Sunset

Anime: Ouran High School Host Club

A/N: I'm seriously thinking about removing all the x reader in all the titles cuz it's super freaking obvious. Anyway here's some host club king fluff for you~


Summer break was approaching and as it was you kept getting more and more excited. Your wonderful boyfriend Tamaki Suoh declared in front of the whole host club that he was going to take you on a two week vacation. Of course the 'homosexual supporting cast' argued that you guys should take them with you but Tamaki shook his head.

"No way. Me and (Y/N)-chan are going away for a reason! We want to spend time alone!" He said as he held onto your arm and nuzzled his cheek against yours, earning him a blush and glare his way.

That was 1 month ago, and since then you had been carefully counting down the days till you get to go on your romantic trip with your king.

Now you only had to wait out this day and then you were on your way..but being the tsundere you were, you would never admit to anyone that you were looking forward to it. You were walking to your last class of the day when an arm sneaked its way around your waist. You turned to see your overjoyed boyfriend grinning at you mischievously.

"Your excited for tomorrow aren't you?" You blushed and retorted.

"N-no! W-why would you say such a stupid thing!" You turned your head away only for it to be pulled back to look straight into tamaki's eyes.

"I know you better than anyone (Y/N)..your every expression is easily readable for me." He planted a loving kiss on your lips. You blushed once again and hesitantly kissed him back. He pulled away and whispered,

"Good luck in math class." He then walked away with a playful expression. You glared at him but once he was out of view you smiled slightly and giggled to yourself.

"That little brat."


You groaned as someone pounced on you. You pulled down your covers to eye level and seen it was only 4 am.

"Whoever the HELL is on me better explain themselves before I call the GOD DAMN GAURDS!!" You yelled in your grumpy morning voice. You heard a giggle from on top of you that could only belong to one person.

"Tamaki why are you here so early. It's the first day of summer break and I'm finally an adult out of any school clutches. PLEASE let me sleep."

"Haaaaa? (Y/N)-chan has been waiting for a month to go on this trip with me to the beach and now she doesn't want to go? Okay..guess I'll just go walk along the sandy beach by myself...." Your eyes widened and you shot out of bed. You ran to the bathroom, quickly putting on some cute shorts and a blouse. You fixed your hair into a messy but adorable bun and slapped some mascara on your eyelashes. You ran out of the bathroom at full speed, grabbing your bag and tamaki's hand before flying down the steps (not literally) and out the door. The only thing your mother saw was a gast of air. She chuckled and closed the door behind you guys.

Tamaki and you were standing outside your house. You had only just realized what you did. You were blushing like a maniac, when suddenly Tamaki cooed into your ear and whispered,

"Looks like I was right~ (Y/N)-chan really was anticipating this~ hehe c'mon let's go!" He pulled you into his limo and before you knew it, you were already on a plane on your way to California.

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