{Akashi Seijuro Part 1}

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Title: Absolute

Anime: Kuroko no Basket

A/N: No this IS NOT angst I can't deal with the heartbreak crap I'm sorry. I just watched KnB over again AND ALL THE FEELS CAME BACK OKIE so here you go this might be different from my norm I just have a hype today. Ja ne~ (P.S. Part 2 will be out soon~~~~)


He's intimidating.

He's gifted.

He's fearful.

He's strong.

He is....absolute.

It all started on a chill August morning, the first day of high school to be exact. At first, I wasn't sure what to expect when I walked through those gates, but if I would've known what was waiting for me, I would've never went through them at all.

I stood outside my classroom, having the typical mixed feelings every first year felt before their first class of the year, but somehow I felt slightly different. I had this strange feeling in my gut, something that was telling me to run far, far away and never come back but I was a fool and took a step inside.

It was and wasn't like middle school. The girls were in their little clique's and the boys were all joking around, but I was never into that sort of thing. Oh no, I didn't want to be bothered with other people. They were too self-centered and I was the complete opposite. I knew that once you become acquainted with someone, sooner or later, they can and will turn their backs on you. I lived by that. It was stuck in my brain.

I sat in the back, closest to the window. Setting my bag down beside my desk, I looked outside, not wanting to be bothered by the students flooding their way into the classroom.

I didn't notice him when he walked in, but when everyone went quiet, it quickly grabbed my attention. I felt a presence beside my chair, but me being me, I didn't think anything of it. I thought it was just a student passing by, but when it didn't move, I looked up.

There he was in all his glory. The one word that came to my mind the second our eyes met, I knew that I was in for something I never wanted. The word...was intimidation. Usually, if someone looked down on me, I didn't pay it much mind. But today was a whole different story. He had a solid bright red hair color that matched his right eye but I soon noticed that he was heterochromatic, and his left eye was an unusual golden color.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but you're sitting in my seat." He said. I continued to stare at him but when I realized how polite he spoke, I figured that he was all bark and no bite.

"There are lots of seat to sit in, Mister Intimidating. I'm sure you have enough brains to find one." The whole class gasped. I didn't get it at first, why they were so afraid of him. It didn't make sense, but then again, I was clueless. He spoke once again,

"You're right. Sorry for disturbing you." He turned and sat in the front. All eyes were filled with horror and they were directed straight at me. Soon enough, classes started and I still had that strange feeling in my gut.

After a boring 4 hours of class rules and plans for the year, the morning classes were over. Much to my advantage, my mother had packed me a bento that had my favorite food inside. Thinking about where to eat, I knew the lunch room was a big fat no and the classroom was probably going to be just as loud, so my last resort was none other then the roof top.

I climbed the steps and opened the door, feeling the slight breeze against my skin that made my (H/C) hair flow. I immediately seen the bench against the wall and made my way there. Setting down my bag on the ground, I opened my bento to see what I desired to meet this whole morning. Just as I was about to take my first bite , I heard a familiar yet un-familiar voice say,

"There are a lot of places to eat, Miss Fearless. I'm sure you have enough brains to find somewhere else." I whipped my head over to look at the person but before I could, a gast of wind went past me and I felt a quick jolt of pain against my cheek. I looked down and soon enough, a cut appeared and blood oozed its way out. I glared up at him, who was once again towering over me. I yelled,

"Who the hell do you think you are?! Harming someone for no reason is-"

"Oh there is more than enough reason to my actions."

"Tell me then."

"My name is Akashi Seijuro. You dare defy me, you have no idea what you have started. I am the truth. I am absolute, and you going against my orders was clearly the start of something you shouldn't have started. Let's see how long you last here, (Y/N) (L/N)." With that, he was gone. My eyes were widened to their full extent. The feeling in my gut was out of control at this moment and I knew, I knew, that I shouldn't have walked through those gates this morning.


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