{Hinata Shoyo}

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Title: Shut Up

Anime: Haikyuu!!

A/N: YESSSSS HINATA AGAIN~ I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS ONE! Let me tell you now this is going to be short and sweet. Well maybe medium in length idk its 5:49 am WHY DO I ALWAYS WRITE AROUND 5 aM?


You had just got home from the Kurasano Field Day event and boy were you tired. Running around here and there, getting people water bottles and towels, and helping people get to were they were suppose to go was a lot of work. You sighed as you plopped down onto your bed. Suddenly you heard a ding indicating a text message. You said,

"Why can't a school girl just relax and not be bothered.." You looked at the screen and read the message that had been sent to you.

From: Hinata :>
Subject: (Y/N)!!!!!!!

Can I come over?? I want to hang out~

You read the message from your orange haired friend and replied,

To: Hinata :>
Subject: Fine.

If you get loud I'll throw you out the window.

You smirked and slightly anticipated his arrival. You had always taken a liking to Hinata, no you knew you had feelings for him but buried those feelings because you thought it was just a little fling. After 10 minutes of dozing off on the couch, you heard loud knocks on the door, startling you and making you fall off the couch.

You grumpily walked over and swung the door open, revealing a sweating Hinata. He shouted much to your disliking,

"Good afternoon (Y/N)-chan!!" You winced and covered your ears as he walked past you and into your house. You both went to your couch and sat down. Hinata said (still in a loud manner),

"(Y/N) did you see me out there in the field today?! It was so cool! Oh and Kageyama hit me because I made him trip but secretly I think he loves me oh and Sugawara-senpai really did well in the relay race weren't you watching?" He looked over and yelped at what he seen. You have a dark aurora around you, glaring at him. His voice was just too damn loud and you just about had enough. Hinata didn't pay it much mind, since he was always with you. You two were best friends after all. He laughed and continued,

"So (Y/N)-chan what do you want to do? Do you want to play some games or we cou-" he was immediately shut up by a pair of lips on his own. His eyes widened as he stared at you, who had grabbed his face and claimed his first kiss. You were so tired you barely knew what you were doing. All you knew what that Hinata was annoyingly loud and this was the only way to shut him up. You pulled away and said,

"Hinata. I am very tired and your loud voice is not helping. C'mon." You pulled the still shocked/ blushing boy up to your room. He said,

"Y-you u-u-um w-why?" You placed a finger on your lips as you walked through your house with half-lidded eyes. Once you two were in your room, you shut the door and got into your bed, sliding under the warm covers and getting comfortable. Hinata watched you out of the corner of his eye while blushing immensely. He stuttered,

"W-well if y-you're gunna sleep I'm going to l-lea-" "I just kissed you and your going to leave? I don't think so." You moved the covers that were on the other side of the bed down and then led Hinata to it.

"Let's take a nap Hinata we both need it. Please I'm almost dead." He blushed and laughed a little.

"Okay (Y/N)-chan." He got into the covers with you and laid facing you.

"Say...(Y/N)-chan...?" He asked. You hummed in response. He continued,

"U-um..why'd you kiss me?" You sighed with your eyes still closed.

"You were loud." He pouted slightly.

"That's it?" You shook your head.

"No, I did it cause I like you Hinata." He smiled widely when the words escaped your lips. He jumped onto you and hugged you closely.

"Thank you (Y/N)..you don't know how long I've been waiting for this!! Omg wait till the guys find out I'm dating (Y/N) there gunna freak!!" "Hey who said we were dating? I don't remember you asking me." He went back to his side and cleared his throat.

"Okay then. (F/N) (M/N) (L/N), I really like you and want to be your boyfriend. Will you please be my girlfriend?" You were silent with your eyes closed. He looked at you and you nodded your head before snuggling closer to him, quickly falling asleep. Hinata was smiling like an idiot as he giggled and threw his fist in the air as a victory claim.


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