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Title: No Matter What

Anime: DRAMAtical Murder

A/N: okay so in this one, you and Aoba are in high school together along with noiz, clear, and the rest of the guys. You are particularly close to Aoba and Aoba isn't a gay shit in this (lol sorry Aoba I know you got it bad for all your little boyfriends)


(Your PoV)

I laughed as Clear told us a cute little joke. We were all at the lunch table together, just messing around and doing whatever. I felt around me and latched onto Aoba's arm. He turned to me and asked,

"Yes (Y/N)?" I smiled and answered, "Where's my drink?" He quickly handed me my drink in which I took a sip. He helped my guide it back down to the table. I heard the bell ring and slowly got up, waving my hands around and finally finding my tray. Aoba once again led me to the trash bin, helping me put my things away.

I always felt guilty for making him help me. I hated this. I hated me. I hated my eyes for not being able to see like everyone else. I hated being blind. I didn't know what I looked like. I didn't know what anyone else looked like. I knew I was a pain for everyone around me, and yet I still had managed to find a great group of friends who loved to help me out. One boy in particular was always there to help me and that was my secret crush Aoba. I had told myself over and over that he would never return my feelings and fall for a useless blind girl like myself.

We walked to our next class which was math. It hadn't started yet, so students were still coming in. I went to go sit in my seat when I accidentally bumped into someone. 

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't know you were there!" I heard a girl tsk and say,

"Stupid worthless blind girl. Why don't you just go die since you're so useless." The entire class heard her remark, including Aoba. I froze and immediately started crying. I heard a hard scrape of a chair across the floor and someone had me protectively in their arms.

"Hey! (Y/N) is everything but stupid and worthless! She's beautiful, smart, kind and a very important person in my life. Don't put her down just because she has a disability. She's a human just like you and just because she can't see and you can, doesn't give you the right to look down on her. C'mon (Y/N) we're leaving." He pulled me out and we walked all the way to the roof. I felt the wind hit me like a brick wall and almost fell over, but Aoba was there to catch me.

"Careful.." He said in a sweet tone as he led me over to a bench. My tears were dried up by then. We sat in silence for a while before I decided to break it.

"Aoba..why are you even friends with me...you heard her..I'm useless and stupid...you should be friends with some beautiful girl or even have a pretty girlfriend but you always get stuck with me." He chuckled.

"I have a beautiful girl by my side all the time. I absolutely adore her. Despite her being blind, I don't really care about that. I want to take care of her. I love her." I blushed once I heard the words come out of his mouth.

"Aoba...you're not talking about..me right?"

"Of course I'm talking about you." I gasped and tried to pull myself together but tears spilled like buckets out of my eyes.

"H-hey! What's wrong?!?" He asked in a panic.

"I'm so relieved. I love you so much Aoba but I thought you would never love a girl who was a disability like mine. Aoba where are you?" He grabbed my hand and pulled it towards his face so I could feel him. I traced my fingers over his features. I smiled and said,

"I bet your hair is beautiful. I don't know what blue looks like but I know it looks great on you." He chuckled and thanked me. He then pulled me closer to him and without warning, gave me a passionate kiss on the lips. I kissed back immediately putting all my hidden feelings into it. He broke away and whispered,

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled and nodded.

(Time skip to 5 years later)

I woke up to hear the sounds of beeps of a monitor. My eyes were covered with a long bandage and I could feel someone's tight grip on my hand. I squeezed the hand and I immediately heard a gasp from beside me. I heard my husband Aoba run out of the room to get the doctor. A swarm of people all came in my room and surrounded me. A doctor hesitantly said,

"Now (Y/N), we're going to take the bandages off your eyes. Once they are off, I want your slowly open your eyes and look around." I nodded eagerly and when the last bandage came off I opened my eyes. I immediately looked over at Aoba, for the first time being able to admire how handsome he really was. I burst out into a crying fit and Aoba did as well. I said while crying,

"Your hair really is beautiful honey." He laughed and nodded. "Thanks." The doctors all clapped and smiled to eachother. The rest of my old group of high school friends came in and I looked at them all one by one.

"Omg clear your hair and eyes are beautiful!" I complimented them one after another but Aoba stopped me.

"Don't you think you should say that to the woman in the mirror now?" He put a hand-mirror in my hands and made me put it up to my face. My eyes widened when I seen myself.

Beautiful (H/C) hair went past my shoulders, gorgeous (E/C) eyes stared back at me, and (s/c) skin completed the whole thing.

"You know how I tell you you're beautiful all the time?" I nodded and looked at him once again. He took my left hand in his left and kissed my wedding ring, which I also admired.

He smiled at me and said,

"I meant it."

A/N: I just want to remind you all that no matter what, whether you have some kind of disability or anything like that, you're beautiful. You matter. A lot of people love you for who you are and you shouldn't be afraid to do things that you want to do just because of the way you are. You're human and you can do everything everyone else does! Please don't forget that. I love you all so very much. Have a great day! Okay bye bye!

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