{Levi Ackerman}

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Title: A Tale of Two Misunderstoods

Anime: Attack on Titan

A/N: For old times sake, and a thank you for the continuous love and support I receive despite this book being the epitome of cringe and overall illiteracy. ( Why do I always do Levi LMAO)


To put it simply, you were...different. Not the cliche, reserved or outcast different, more...intellectually different. Whether or not people seen you as a monster didn't really matter to you. Everyday was a matter of life or death and emotions were the least of your worries. But were they really? You believed that in your heart, but knew that a certain person was the exception to that belief. It was as taboo as taboo could go. The ultimate sin in your community, and you loved it.

You were smart, and that was a problem. Not for you, of course, the world was in the palm of your hand and you'd be damned if you let the present rain on that. The public deemed you a witch, quite predictably so, in fear of what you were capable of and what they were not.

"Atta girl, now why don't you tell us how you got them powers of yours." The guard asked, his British accent flowing with his words.

"I told you, I am not a witch." You said, glaring at him through the gaps of your cell door.

"Well, whatever. You're going to die soon enough, one less crazy bitch in the world, one more drink for me." He said as he laughed to himself. You rolled your eyes at his ridiculous words.

"That doesn't even make sense." You whispered as you turned around to look out the window. The sea was as calm as ever, the memories of your mother taking you to the shore as vivid as day itself.

You enjoyed the isolation and quiet for a while, but your attention soon turned to shouting coming from the main door of the guard barracks.

"Make way! I said make way! Prisoner coming through!" The guard yelled as he and a bunch of other soldiers came through holding a man rather violently as they guided him to the cell next to yours. You sat on the chair in your cell as you quietly observed them throw him on the ground in his cell. Raising your eyes in amusement, you watched as he spit at them once they shut the cell door.

"A witch and a pirate! What a perfect match." The guard joked before walking away, the other guards laughing right along with him.

"Still not a witch." You murmured as you looked down at your nails.

"Bastards." The man said as he growled, his hands tight on his cell door, trying to get it unlocked.

"You really think that's going to work?" You asked sarcastically, eyeing him as he turned around in annoyance to look at you. You immediately oooed and ahhed, sarcastically of course, at his tattoos and scars when he looked at you.

"Guess you're milking your waste of a life with the joys of narcissism before you die. What? You think you're better than me just because you've read a couple books?" He asked, his hands gripping the bars that separated you from him. You stood up and walked over to where you and him were face to face, merely inches apart.

"You steal and kill for fun, who are you to judge?" You said with a smirk on your face. He rolled his eyes and turned around, quickly turning back.

"I have a feeling you're going to be a pain in my ass." He said, his black bangs falling in his eyes as he looked down.

"Whatever gave you that idea?" You asked before sitting down in your chair, smiling ever so slightly.

<Time Skip brought to you by worldwide handsome guy>

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