{Ciel Phantomhive}

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Title: Kitten

Anime: Black Butler

A/N:  Thanks for reading and I love you all!


(Your PoV)

I instantly heard the chimes of the coffee shop door, making me sigh in content while the smell of coffee filled my nose and the sound of people making small conversation occupied my ears. My usual coffee shop was called, "The Coffee Love Cafe." It was my favorite place to study, relax, or just hang out and have a cup of my favorite coffee.

I walked in and immediately noticed a handsome guy, around my age, sitting at my usual table. Dark black-blue hair, intimidating blue eyes, and a lean figure that was all so captivating. and intriguing. Well...that's not all that was intriguing. For some strange reason, he had a cat yes a cat, it his trench coat pocket. I raised an eyebrow at this and chuckled at this weird mystery guy.

I ordered my coffee and went over to him.

"Mind if I sit here?" He looked up at me and stared at me for a little bit. He nodded, still reading the same book he was reading when I came in. I sipped my coffee and stole glances at him. He was absolutely gorgeous and my eyes were feeding on him like a Thanksgiving dinner. I leaned back in my chair and asked,

"So, any particular reason why there's a cat in your coat pocket?" He looked up at me then looked down at his coat pocket. "No, not really." He said as he continued (tried to anyway) reading his book.

"Can I pet it?"

"What's its name?"

"How old is it?"

He slammed the book down onto the table and took a deep breath. He reached into his coat pocket and handed me the cat. "Just hold it. His name is Sebastian. He's three weeks old." I held the kitten close to me and cooed. It was just too cute! I was talking baby talk to it and treating it like a little baby. I failed to notice how the mystery man was staring at me, in a soft loving way. I looked up as he chuckled at me, which turned into a fit of loud laughter. I blushed deeply and gazed at him, watching his laugh, (which was cute by the way). He calmed down and said,

"I'm sorry really I am, it's just the way you were talking to him. No one has ever talked to him that way before. Of course, you're not just anyone are you?" I turned my head in confusion. He continued, "You're a weird one aren't you?" I blushed again and rubbed the cats face against my cheek and huffed.

"No! I just really like cats!" He smiled and held his hands out for his cat. I hesitantly kissed the cat on the top of the head and handed him back. He said, "My name's Ciel." "(Y/N)." We shook hands and smiled at each other. He then stood up and said,

"Sorry (Y/N) but duty calls." He then held up Sebastian to his ear. "What was that Sebby? You want me to do what (Y/N) did to you?" He walked over to me and kissed me on the top of my head.

"See you later, (Y/N)." He said as he started to walk away, not before slipping me his phone number on a piece of paper. I was a blushing mess and whispered,

"See ya."


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