{Kozume Kenma}

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Title: Late Night Subway Catastrophe

Anime: Haikyuu!!

A/N: Hah. Second time revising this on here cuz I left it in bold when I pasted it from my notes..wattpad..what's good

A/N 2: I have class in 4 hours but guess what. #DigitWigit can my readers be called Digins Wigins fucking please i will cr y


You sighed as you waited for the subway to finally arrive. It had been a long, tiring day at Kurasano High School and you were so ready to collapse onto your bed and die peacefully. You looked at the time on your phone, which was 8:34 pm and tapped your foot impatiently, your (H/C) hair threatening to fall from its place behind your ear.

"It's so late..hurry up and come already." (A/N: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

After a good five minutes, the abandoned-like subway cart pulled up in front of you. You sighed happily and walked inside, taking note that no one else was on. You happily sat in the first seat by the door and waited to depart. Little did you know a pair of cat-like eyes were watching you curiously from the corner of the subway cart.

You hummed happily as the subway started accelerating and looked up at the mirror on the side of the cart. You, being the weird person you are, decided to do stupid and funny faces in the mirror. You giggled but soon turned to panic when a soft chuckle came from the back of the small space.

You whipped your head towards the source of noise to see a boy with pudding like hair and honey cat eyes that were strangely familiar. He looked to be around your age but you weren't exactly sure. You also took note of his Nekoma High School uniform which suddenly clicked the familiarness into place. He was Kozume Kenma, a volleyball player who had played against Kurasano but ended up losing.

Thoughts kept flowing through your mind as not a word was spoken. It was awful, how awkward it was. You had just made the dorkiest faces in front of this cute kid from Nekoma. You looked over at him through the corner of your eyes and seen him diligently playing his PSP. You sighed in relief, thinking that he had forgotten all about the little incident from earlier. You slouched back into your seat when suddenly the subway came to a horrific stop, making both you and Kenma fall out of your seats and onto the floor.

Everything stopped. You couldn't see anything. You couldn't hear anything. You only felt pain. Pain was the main focus on your mind as you felt blood slowly trickle down your forehead and a rapid surge of pain in your ankle. You winced and suddenly remembered that you weren't the only one there.

"K-Kenma? Are you alright?" You asked with a quiet, shaking voice.

After a few minutes of silence, you started to panic. Was Kenma okay? Was he dead?! You tried to feel around when suddenly a voice cut the silence.

"I'm okay..." He said, almost whispered. Kenma quickly felt around for his phone and when his fingers grazed it, he quickly grabbed it and put the flash on. You put a hand over your eyes at the light shined in them. He realized why you did what you did and immediately turned the flash away, setting his phone on the ground so it was pointed towards the ceiling. You watched as he advanced towards you slowly, until he was right in front of you. His eyes flickered with concern as he took a good look at the nasty gash that now took residence on your forehead. He quietly but quickly took off his jacket and put it around your shoulders. He said,

"I don't know what happened but I doubt my phone is going to get any signal down here..the doors won't open..I hope someone comes for us soon.." He paused to look at you again before asking,

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