{Shu Sakamaki}

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Title: Relaxing But Not Really

Anime: Diabolik Lovers

A/N: okay I literally just watched Diabolik lovers and I'm already obsessed like it's not freaking fair that they're not in my bed. It's. Not. Fair. Okay sorry here you go!


You smiled as you seen your lazy boyfriend, Shu, resting on a hammock in the backyard of the Sakamaki mansion. At first, you only stumbled into their mansion on accident but you were lucky enough to be granted permission to say as long as you needed too. Somehow the orange haired boy had found his way into your head, and yourself into his. His confession was nothing extraordinary but it still made your heart flutter and almost came down to tears over the joy you were feeling.

You walked over to his sleeping figure and whispered,


No response.

"Sh-" before you could say his name again, you were pulled down onto him. There was no escape now. (Not that you wanted to escape to begin with.)

"(Y/N)..sneaking up on me like that could be dangerous."

"You would never hurt me."

"You're right." He sighed slightly and nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, sniffing it. He pulled your face close to his and gave you that intoxicating kiss you became absolutely addicted too. It should've been illegal the way this man made you feel.

He pulled away and stared into your eyes. He then pulled your head into his chest and said,

"Sleep." Your heart skipped a beat at his swift and cunning words. You then smiled against his chest, relaxed and allowed yourself to do just that.

(Time SKIPEU!)

An hour had pasted and two voiced interrupted you and your lovers peaceful slumber.

"Trying to get into (Y/N)'s pants is a bad idea Laito!" Ayato angerly said a few yards away from the hammock. Clearly not noticing yourself and shu sleeping, ...well not anymore, near them.

"Last time I checked, you were the one trying to get into her pants you fucking asshole! Stop accusing m-"

"Both of you, shut up. No one's getting into anyone's pants. You have clearly made (Y/N) and I upset from waking us up. Now leave." They both sighed and walked back inside. You leaned in and kissed him passionately then said,

"I love you very much Shu."

"I love you too, (Y/N). We should probably go inside. As much as I love our alone time, it's getting pretty late." You nodded and attempted to get out of the hammock but your foot got stuck in it in the last moment and you ended up flipping the whole thing. Resulting in you painfully on the ground with your vampire boyfriend on top of you. You groaned and seen him staring down at you.

"A-ah. Sorry Shu."

"It's okay. Are you alright?"

"Yep." He smiled slightly and helped you up. Hey, although your relaxation time didn't last long, at least you got to relax even a little bit.


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