{England / Arthur Kirkland}

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Title: Surprise Return

Anime: Hetalia

A/N: just in case you don't know England's real name is Arthur Kirkland~ Enjoy~


(Your PoV)

I walked into the movie rental shop. A movie I had wanted to see for a long time had finally come out on DVD and I was determined to watch it no matter what.

I looked around for a while before I laid my eyes on the 'New Releases.' I giggled excitedly and went to go grab it when a hand also went up to grab it. I yelled,

"Hey buddy I had it first!" The guy whom I didn't look at yet retorted,

"The bloody hell you did! I didn't even see you ther-" he turned to look at me and once our eyes met we stared at each other for a long while.


"(Y/N).." There in front of me stood my long-distance relationship boyfriend Arthur Kirkland. He has left for England two years ago and was recently returning to America but we hadn't planned a meet up or anything quite yet. So many questions I wanted to ask, so many things I wanted to say, but before I did I had arms around me and my head pulled into his chest.

"Oh (Y/N)..I meant to come to your flat (apartment) and surprise you today but it looks like you beat me to it." He chuckled slightly as he looked into my eyes. "You're even more beautiful than I remembered. I missed you very much darling." He scooped me up and gave me the most loving kiss he had ever given me. It tasted like a mix of tea and peanuts (Arthur blamed the airplanes for it) and boy did I miss his lips. we pulled away and hugged again. I giggled and took the movie off the shelf.

"Well Mister I'm-going-to-surprise-my-girlfriend how would you like to come over to my flat and watch this movie with me? Perhaps a movie date? And even spend the night? Or just move in with me?" I said in a British accent. He took my hand and said,

"I'm going to move in whether you like it or not." We laughed together and paid for the rental movie, walking home together catching up on all the things we had missed about eachother.

We arrived home a little bit later and as soon as we stepped inside my apartment, Arthur spinned me around and put his lips to mine. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance to my wet cavern. I let him, feeling his tongue slip past my lips and start to explore a place I knew he yearned for the past two years. We separated with a string of saliva between us. He said while panting,

"I couldn't...help myself..I just missed you so much (Y/N).." I giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"You know I feel the same, love. Now go put the movie in, I'll go get some snacks and tea." He saluted to me cutely and did as he was told. I thought to myself,

"That cutie..say...since he's back..do you think that maybe he's gunna ask me...no no no there is no way." I sighed quietly and grabbed the snacks out of the cubbert, along with two large mugs filled with our favorite tea. I carried the stuff to the living room and sat it down on the coffee table.

Arthur was waiting there for me with a large blanket over his shoulders. I pouted and sat beside him, wanting a blanket too.

"Don't you pout, pouty. You're sitting here." He pointed to his lap, in which I happily giggled and climbed into, grabbing some of the blanket and covering all of us under it. I snuggled my cheek into his chest and pressed the play button on the remote.

(Time skip/ Regular PoV)

About 50 minutes into the movie, Arthur looked down and seen you snoring lightly against his chest. He smiled and pressed pause on the remote. He quickly but quietly, slid the blanket off of you both. Resulting in you slightly stirring and moving closer to him. He picked you up and carried you to your bedroom. He whispered as he laid you down,

"I'm so glad I'm here with you now (Y/N) and I'm going to make sure I'm here to stay." He made you lay on your side so you were facing your night stand. He laid down an elegant black box with a beautiful emerald ring inside. He wrote a note beside it that said, 'Marry me?' He chuckled as he imagined your face when you would wake up and see that staring straight at you. He stroked your hair before getting inside the covers with you and falling into a deep sleep.

(Time skip to morning)

You yawned and rolled over to see your boyfriends sleeping face. You smiled and kissed his nose. You then rolled back over lazily and half-lidded looked at your nightstand. Not realizing what was siting on it, you just closed your eyes again. You pictured what you saw on the nightstand again in your mind and once you finally realized what it was your eyes flew open. You sat up and read the note beside the gorgeous ring. You screamed and pounced onto Arthur. He knew exactly why you were this way and laughed, wrapping his arms around you in the process.

"So what do you say (Y/N)? Want to become Mrs. Kirkland?" You screamed again and jumped on him.

"YES YES YESSSS!!!!!" You were in a constant loop of screaming for the 3 days. Arthur knew he was in for a lot but he wasn't complaining, he loved you more than anything after all and wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.


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