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Title: Bad Dog

Anime: Black Butler

P.S. It was suppose to be submissive but I kinda just let my fingers type what they wanted so yeah


You walked up to the Phantomhive Manor with high hopes of seeing your favorite demon wolf. Originally, you knew Ciel from your dad and him as business partners, but once you met his pet Pluto, you had become obsessed with him, making him your main reason for going there. Plus it was Halloween so it gave you all the more reason to go to the Manor.

You knocked on the door and immediately got greeted by Ciel's demon butler, Sebastian. You smiled and said,


"Ah, miss (Y/N)..here to see that mutt..excuse me, I mean Pluto?" You nodded and walked in.

"You know, he's not that bad Bassy! You should try playing with him sometime." Sebastian didn't reply and instead walked away towards the kitchens, perhaps in disfavor of your suggestion.

You brushed that off and smiled excitedly, you then put your fingers between your lips and whistled.

Not long after, you started to hear faint running coming your way. The noise got closer until a naked Pluto came into view.

"Pluto!!" You yelled as you ran over to him, in which he met you half way. He automatically jumped onto you, making you fall onto the ground. You giggled and hugged him as he licked your face and rubbed his white locks against your cheek. You laughed and sat up.

"You know, when you're in human form you should wear clothes! Awe and today's Halloween you should've worn a cute little costume!" Pluto whined and put his chin into your hand. You smiled and kissed his head.

"I'm sorry. Wanna go play upstairs?" He stood up happily like a regular human would and grabbed your hand. You blushed and followed him up to the room you stayed in when you were there.

He walked, well more like ran, into the room. You chuckled and walked in after him, closing the door behind you. Pluto had found a tennis ball in the middle of the floor and was rolling it around.

"Wanna play with the ball Pluto?" He looked up at you and let out a bark as to say, "Yep!"

You smiled and took the ball from him. You gently rolled it to the other side of the room. Pluto ran and got it, then threw it to you with his mouth. It flew past you and landed on the king sized bed that sat in the middle of the room. You giggled and jumped onto the bed to get it.

You weren't even able to touch the ball because before you could reach it, Pluto pounced on you and held you down on the bed. You blushed and looked up at him.

"P-Pluto what are you.." He looked at you with pleading and lustful eyes. You gasped slightly and let your eyes travel down to his now erected member. You said quietly,

"After all...you are in human form.." Pluto, as if on instinct, kissed you on the lips. He stuck his tongue into your mouth and hungrily allowed his tongue to explore your wet cavern. You kissed back and put both of your hands on his shoulders. You thought to yourself,

"Am I about to have sex with a demon wolf? Well..it's Pluto..and I can't say I wasn't attracted to him to begin with.."

Your thoughts were cut off when Pluto literally ripped your clothes off you. You yelled,

"Pluto! Bad d-do..ahh.." You tried to yell at him but he had beat you to the punch. He had his tongue swirling around your left nipple while his fingers rubbed your moisten clit.

"P-Pluto!" You moaned his name as you arched your back. He suddenly stopped touching you, which made you look up at him. Much to your surprise, he was looking down at you..almost lovingly. You blushed and asked,

"W-what is it?" He leaned down and kissed you once more before putting his penis inside you without hesitation. You screamed in pain as Pluto showed no signs of waiting for you to adjust. He pounded into you while his hands gripped your thighs. His pants got heavier as he went faster and deeper into you.

You moaned and grabbed the sheets beside you, he wasn't even human and yet he made you feel like you were on cloud 9. You bit your lip and bucked your hips upwards, meeting his thrusts. Pluto suddenly pulled out, making you scream once again, and put you on all fours. He then rammed into your vagina once again but this time from behind. You put your forehead on the bed and moaned loudly. Pluto started to howl, probably indicating he was about to cum. You felt yourself ready to cum and soon enough, he had planted his seed inside of you. You orgasmed and came onto his dick before he pulled out.

Pluto panted and laid his head on your stomach after you laid down. You couldn't shake the friction that was left inside your flower, but more so you couldn't shake the feeling of ecstasy and love you felt for the creature who had just deflowered you. You pulled Pluto up to eye level and whispered,

"Pluto..you're a bad dog.." Pluto pouted and looked into your eyes innocently. You sighed and pulled his head into your bare chest.

"You're a bad dog..and I think I'm in love with you."

A/N: Sorry mom.

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