{Yato} *Continuation of Father Yato x Principal Reader*

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A/N: First of all, I just wanted to say thank you to the person who suggested this, because of you, I got to write this beautiful chapter (it's probably actually going to be really lame but to build my self-esteem we're going with beautiful) and I thank you for that. I really liked this so please enjoy.


You groaned painfully and turned over to look at your phone. Six missed calls from Yato and it was only six in the morning, Yato never called at six in the morning. You quickly grabbed your phone and dialed up his number like you had many times before. The phone rang only once before Yato picked up.

"(Y/N)?" Yato asked in a surprised voice. You sighed in frustration and replied,

"Yato, you called me six times before I even got up..is there something important you have to tell me?" Yato paused and you could hear nervous breaths coming from the other side of the line.

"Well..you see..Yukine and I were talking yesterday and..you and I have been dating for a while and we wanted to know if you would be willing to move in with us? I think it's about time we took our relationship to the next step." You listened carefully and had to admit, you did want to move in with them. Not only for Yukine's sake, but the thought of being able to wake up next to Yato brought on a whole new meaning to living with someone.

You sat up with your phone still pressed into your shoulder. You suddenly realized you had forty-five more minutes before you had to start getting ready for work. You bit your bottom lip before saying in a quiet voice,

"Can you come over for a little bit, Yato?" A soft chuckle was heard from the other line. Yato replied,

"I'll be there in a few." You smiled and ended the call before sliding back down into your covers and accidentally falling into a deep sleep, still thinking about Yato's words but most importantly, waiting for your lover to come to you.

You woke up to someone holding you in their arms, slowly stroking your back. You looked up and locked eyes with beautiful blue ones. Yato took your hand in his and kissed the back of it, before saying,

"You looked so peaceful, I couldn't wake you up..you still have 20 minutes before you have to get ready for work so don't worry." You sighed and repositioned yourself in his arms, before sliding your arm around his waist to perhaps hold him back in some similar way he was holding you. You mumbled into his chest,

"I want to move in with you..although it sounded crazy at first..I guess I like crazy.." Yato sucked in his breath and said,

"Can I ask you something crazier?"

(*Hans comes in*: I LOVE CRAZY Me: bitch gtfo no one likes you)

You smiled and nodded. Yato took your left hand specifically into his hand and asked,

"Will you marry me?"

(Time Skip)

You stood infront of the chalkboard talking about cell membranes, or at least you thought that was what you were talking about. It wasn't the top prioritized thing on your mind, no, there was only one thing on your mind to begin with.

"Will you marry me?"

The way he said it, and the feelings you held for him almost made you say yes right then and there. But the responsible adult in you kicked in and you asked yourself,

"Is this really what I want? Am I ready to spend the rest of my life with this man and his son?" You weren't even sure Yukine knew about it, and Yukine's opinion really matters in all of this.

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