{Sebastian Michaelis}

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Title: One Hell of a Kisser

Anime: Black Butler


(Your PoV)

Sitting in the cold alley seemed to be a daily thing for me. I was homeless and had absolutely no where to go so the only place I could go was the cold, dark place ignored by all of society. I didn't mind. It was where I wouldn't be noticed or judged. How did I become homeless you may ask? My parents kicked me out. They kicked me out because I was a troublemaker and still am. They simply couldn't deal with such a nuisance as me, so they told me if I didn't get out, they would call the police. Ridiculous right? I sat shivering whenever a man, probably drunk, came over to me and tried to get me to stand up.

"C'mon sweetheart I'll take you with me. You'll be safe with me." Honestly, I was considering it. Even if it was with some creep, I would be out of the cold. I hesitated as I was about to take his hand, but a much gentler hand took mine instead. I looked up to see a broad back in front of me.

"That won't be necessary." I was immediately mesmerized by his accent and moved closer to see his face. He was absolutely gorgeous, like someone who stepped out of a fairy tail. He turned to me and smiled, putting a hand to his chest and bowed slightly.

"Let's go, M'lady." I nodded and walked with him. It was silent while we walked, but not an awkward silence. I suddenly spoke up.

"Um..why..did you..save me?" I looked up at him to see him smiling at me.

"No woman deserves to be homeless. You looked very vulnerable Miss (Y/N) and I just simply had to step in." He took my hand and I blushed. I wanted to ask how he knew my name but that wasn't important now.

He brought me to a huge mansion. I stared at it in awe.

"You..live here?" I asked, looking down at our still intertwined fingers. He turned to me in an eye smile and replied,

"Yes, I serve my Master, Ciel Phantomhive as his butler." I made an 'O' with my mouth as we walked in. We were walking up the outside steps when I squeezed his hand and stopped. I suddenly asked nervously,

"Is it really okay for me to be here?" I looked up at him with pleading eyes. Because of my past, trusting people wasn't exactly my strong point. He nodded and said,

"You needent worry my lady, Ciel will understand your circumstances. My master is quite the gentleman I must say." He smiled again at me and pulled me close, leading me into the mansion.

He led me to a big door. He turned to me and said,

"This is as far as I go. I have already told my master about your situation and he wants to talk to you about what we can do. Please go in. I will wait for you here." I was a little afraid but knowing that he would be waiting for me, I was alright. I went to touch the door when I suddenly turned around and hugged him. I was taking my chances at being pushed away but I just felt like I had to hug him. At first he was a little stiff, but then I heard him lightly sigh and wrapped his arms around my fragile frame. I then said,

"Sorry. I was a little nervous and I just.." I blushed and looked up to see him staring straight down at me. He then gave me a light kiss on the forehead and pushed me lightly towards the door.

"Remember, I'll be waiting right here." He said and I nodded to him. I then stepped into Mr. Phantomhive's office.

(Time skip to the end of the meeting) ((So basically, Ciel told her she could stay as long as she needed to.)

I opened the door to see him waiting for me again. His name was Sebastian, apparently. I smiled and walked up to him.

"I'm allowed to stay." I gave him my biggest eye smile and giggled a little bit. He smiled back and some of his bangs fell in his eyes. I seen that and reached to push them out of his face.

"Oh..sorry..I didn-"

"Please, Miss (Y/N). Please do it." I slightly gasped at his words then broke into a warm smile. I nodded and brushed his bangs away from his eyes and stared into them. They were so mesmerizing. Suddenly, I felt a pair of warm yet cold lips on mine. Sebastian was kissing me and boy did it feel great. He was like the king of kissing. So many feelings were in that kiss that when we separated I almost collapsed. He held me close and I said,

"You know your really good at kissing." He smiled and took my chin, lightly pulling it up towards his face and said,

"What can I say, I'm simply one hell of a kisser."


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