{Aomine Daiki} *LEMON*

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Title: Love Hotel

Anime: Kuroko no Basket

A/N:(((no love hotels were hurt in the making of this film)))((((I mean story))))


You sat on your bed, simply doodling random things in your sketch pad. It had been a long day at school and you had the blisters to prove it. Setting your pencil down beside you, you sighed and checked your phone. Your perverted boyfriend, Aomine Daiki, had told you that tonight he had a surprise for your one year anniversary and that no matter what you weren't allowed to fall asleep.

You loved the boy with your whole heart despite his laziness and porn addiction, but honestly you were more than curious as to what he was up too. Usually he didn't put much effort into dates or anything for that matter but over all in the back of your mind you were happy he had planned something.

Still one question lingered in your mind. It was already 9 pm and he still hadn't called you. Where was he? If he forgot about this, he was going to be in some deep shit. You stared at your lock screen which was a selfie you two had taken together. He was smiling brightly with his arm around you and you were smiling right along with him. You smiled at the memory but a frown resurfaced as you impatiently waited for him to call.

A few moments later, the familiar special ringtone you had set for Aomine rung out through your room. You sprung up and hurriedly answered the call.


"Oi (Y/N), sorry I'm late. I'm outside your place now. The only thing you need is a change of clothes. Tell your parents your spending the night at a friends." You blushed and hung up. You and Daiki had never done anything sexual before other than making out, but you knew tonight was going to be different. Tonight was the night.

After collecting a spare change of clothes, you hopped down the steps to see your mother staring at you with her arms crossed.

"(Y/N)...where are you going?"

"O-oh? Me? I'm going to my friends house! I hope it's alright. We have a project to work on and her parents already okayed it so?" Your mom sighed and nodded. You squealed and kissed her cheek.

"See you tomorrow!" You ran out the door and straight into your boyfriends arms. He chuckled and kissed your head.

"Happy one year (Y/N), I love you." You pulled away from his chest and whispered,

"I love you too." He smiled and slid his hand behind your head to pull you closer to him. Soon enough your lips connected with his and you shared a heart-felt kiss. It was sweet and addicting but that was nothing new.

You pulled away slightly and ran your hands down his clothed chest.

"So! What do you have planned tonight?" He took ahold of your hand and said,

"Just wait and see."

(Time skip)

After 10 minutes of walking, you stood in front of a building, fingers still interlocked with Aomine. Your face was burning hotter than the sun. Even though you knew what was going to happen later tonight, you had no idea he had planned it to this extent. There you stood in front of a famous love hotel that was glaring dim red lights in every direction. Aomine slightly blushed but made sure that you didn't notice.

"Let's go. I made reservations." He said as he pulled you along inside. Somehow even though you were both underage, he had reserved one of the best rooms available.

After acquiring the key, you both made your way up to the room.

"213..this is it.." Aomine mumbled as he slid the key into the lock and twisted, opening the hotel door for you to enter.

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