Chapter One Two Hundred and One: Meeting Maul!/Ezra refuses Maul's words!

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Pulling their Weapons out, Ezra and Rex pointed his Blasters and Lightsabers at the old man, warning him to stay back! Seeing that he had to play this coolly, Maul told them that he meant them no harm!

Darth Maul: Please put your weapon away! I... I mean you no harm...

However, they both refused to listen, especially since Rex what Maul was capable of!

Ezra: Stay back!

Captain Rex: We're warning you, old man!

Darth Maul: Forgive me, it... It's just, I've been alone so long... It's been years since I've spoken to anyone!

The two friends frowned at each other while they kept their guard up, seeing this is what Maul is up to these days!

Captain Rex: You live here alone?

Ezra: Uh, in the dark?

Darth Maul: Not by choice... My ship crashed! I'm trapped, marooned... I've had to scrounge and scrape to survive!

Rex frowned, wishing that Maul would have been killed in the crash after he escaped that day after the way he tried to turn Ahsoka against Anakin by using his Turn to the Dark Side against him! Ezra frowned with a little bit of sympathy for the old man, but knew that they didn't have time right now since Kanan and the others needed their help!

Ezra: Look, I'm sorry... Okay? I wish I could help you, but I have to get back to my friends!

As Ezra turned away, Maul tried to talk Ezra into letting him help the kid!

Darth Maul: Well, perhaps I could help you...

Rex frowned, he highly doubts that one!

Captain Rex: I doubt that!

Ignoring the old Clone, he asked Ezra why he and his friend were here!

Darth Maul: Why are you here?

Ezra rolled his eyes, he was gonna tell Maul that!

Ezra: I'm not gonna tell you that!

Rex smirked while shaking his head, he found it very a amusing that Ezra was one of the very people to do that to a former Sith Lord right now! Ignoring the amusement on the Captain's face, Maul explained his reasons for coming here years ago, seeking knowledge just as Ezra has...

Darth Maul: You came for the same reason I did, years ago... You seek knowledge!

Rex placed a overprotective arm in front of Ezra, revealing who this old man really was!

Captain Rex: Uh-huh... I find that very hard to believe, Darth Maul! Especially since this is General Skywalker's youngest son!

Ezra frowned as he kept his guard up with both of his Lightsabers on active mode! At that moment, Maul dropped the whole "Old Man Act", knowing that they have never actually met before, as pulled his cloak off, revealing the same cyborg legged person that Ahsoka had given and Sabine's warnings about the person who took over her home Planet before she was born!

Darth Maul: Ezra... Skywalker, is it? I can't say that we've had a meeting before that is quite familiar to me!

Ezra frowned at Maul's pacing, while that is true, the kid knew who Maul was and what he was!

Ezra: Well, I know you...

Maul smirked, knowing that they had some mutual friends...

Darth Maul: Yes, I imagine we have several mutual friends. 

Ezra rolled his eyes, he wouldn't put it that way exactly!

Ezra: I wouldn't put it that way!

Maul frowned, seeing that Ezra's way of thinking was just like Ahsoka's!

Darth Maul: Of course not... But I'm afraid your way of thinking is behind the times!  I was certain that Lady Tano would have come herself... Perhaps bring Vos and his loyal foal... Bridger, is it? 

Ezra frowned, knowing that Ahsoka's a little too busy to deal with an old so-called friend!

Ezra: Commander Tano had a more important engagement...

Captain Rex: Spare us the pleasantries, Maul... Why are you after the Knowledge contained within the Sith Temple?

Seeing that there was no point in keeping it a secret, Maul explained his reasons to revenge on the Inquisitors for what the Sith did to him!

Darth Maul: The Sith... The Sith took everything from me! Ripped me from my mother's arms, murdered my brother, used me as a weapon, and then cast me aside... Abandoned me... Once, I had power, now I have nothing! Nothing...

Although Ezra felt sympathy for Maul's suffering, he knew that getting Revenge on the Sith won't bring his Family back, Adoptive or not!

Ezra: I know how you feel... The Empire, it took away my home, my Adoptive Parents, my Adoptive Brother, my twin Siblings, and my mother, and my father!

Captain Rex: But?

Ezra: But getting revenge won't ease my pain or my suffering, it will only make it worse... Regardless of who my real Father is! Now if you'll excuse me, both Rex and I gonna to find a way to make that the Secrets of the Temple aren't used to hurt someone so that we can defeat our enemies without killing them... You can try to team with us, but I'm not interested in becoming an Sith... Oh, and Maul? Even think about trying to harm one of my friends to try and make me your little errand boy like you did with both Obi-Wan and Ahsoka in the Past, and you'll regret it! Obi-Wan couldn't save Anakin... But I can save Kaitis..

As Ezra climbed out of the hole, Rex glared at him, refusing to let Maul make the same mistakes that the Jedi Order did with Ezra's Father!

Captain Rex: Anakin is still in there, Maul... And I won't let you almost make the same mistake that the Jedi made back then twice!

As Ezra helped Rex out of the hole and they run to catch up with the others, Maul smirked before turning his most prized possession, a Sith Holocron!

Darth Maul: This won't be a simple as I thought... But it will be much more fun! (Evil Laughing)

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