Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy-Four: Escaping the Scouts.../Ezra's new outfit!

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As Cham and Numa headed South, the Ghost strafed the Troop Transport and the remaining speeder bike, knocking the former out!

Imperial Officer: Rebel transport incoming!

Stormtrooper 2: Shoot it down!

Cham and Numa leap over the burning transport and follow the Ghost, while the surviving scout trooper pursues them on his speeder bike, as Hera lowers the forward ramp of the Ghost before Cham and Numa ride their blurrgs aboard the ship!

Cham: Hera, how did you plan on getting us on board?

Hera: I'm lowering the front ramp... Just jump on!

Cham: With the Blurrgs?

Hera: Yep! Blurrgs are welcome, too!

However, the surviving scout trooper follows them into the cargo bay only to be confronted by the gun-wielding Numa, Omega, Kaitis, Cham, and Zeb, with the Lasat taunting the scout Trooper that he didn't really think this through! 

Zeb: You didn't think that through, did you?

Scout Trooper 1: Uh...

Omega shrugged at Kaitis, that is a no!

Both: That's a no! (Chuckling)

Kaitis turned his head at Ezra, asking if his Little Adoptive Brother had this armour!

Kaitis: Hey, kid, you got this outfit?

Ezra leaned over the edge of the balcony above them and shrugged innocently while shaking his head no to Zeb's question!

Ezra: Nope!

At that answer, Zeb knocks the scout out cold so that Ezra can keep his outfit!

Zeb: The kid wants your helmet... Sorry!

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