Chapter Three Hundred and Three: One Last Battle.../Escaping!

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Meanwhile, the Imperial walkers started to advance towards the hangar! Ezra, Kanan, and the others activated their Lightsabers as Zeb, Omega, Hunter, and Rex drew their blasters!

Ezra: Ready, Zeb?

Before preparing for battle, both Ahsoka and Rex remark that this is the last glorious day in the Grand Army of the Republic as they observe the Imperial walkers!

Ahsoka: One last glorious day in the Grand Army of the Republic?

Captain Rex: One last glorious day in the Grand Army of the Republic!

As Ezra tells Chopper to get the shuttles ready, Kaitis orders D Squad to get ready for their attack! When Kalani admits never attempting such a desperate strategy; Rex states that's why the Clone troopers always won! 

Ezra: Chopper, have the shuttle ready to go!

Kaitis: D squad, get ready!

Kalani: I have never attempted such a desperate strategy...

Captain Rex: That's why we always won!

Kalani rolled his eyes, not always...

Kalani: Not always!

Omega and Ezra both tell them to focus on the present before telling the battle droids to evacuate on their shuttles once the shells have exploded!

Ezra: Hey, guys, focus on the present! Once those shells explode, get to your shuttles!

The droids agreed as Zeb threw a grenade that knocked out an advancing AT-DP walker!

Battle Droids: Roger, Roger!

Omega then joined Zeb, the Battle Droids, and Droidekas in the attack while other droids rolled the proton torpedoes!

Omega: Now!

Putting their plan into action, Kalani then orders his droids to fire at Ezra and Kanan, and the two of them both deflect the blasts at the proton torpedoes!

Kalani: Fire!

 The torpedoes explode and destroy the frontal legs of one of the AT-AT walkers; causing it to topple! Seeing that this might be their only chance to escape, Ezra told everyone to get to the ships now!

Ezra: This might be our only chance... Get to the ships! 

The battle droids flee onto the two Neimoidian escort shuttles with Ezra and the other Rebels following suit!

Omega: Go, Go, go!

Battle Droid 1: I made it!

Battle Droid 2: I made it!

But one of the battle droids is accidentally knocked off the ramp of a shuttle, as Rex tries to warn the first of the droid's shuttles to bank to the right!

Captain Rex: Lead shuttle, bank right! Bank right!

But the shuttle is shot down by a second AT-AT walker! Luckily, the remaining droids' shuttle and the rebels' shuttle managed to escape stormtrooper fire, finally ending the Clone War for good!

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