Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty: Ezra's advice.../Time for Battle!

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Aboard Iron Squadron's Ship, Sabine, Chopper and R3 had all joined forces to repair the hyperdrive while Ezra, Jonner, Gooti, and Mart watched! But Mart thinks that it is a waste of time before he turns away! 

R3: (R3 Beeping)

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Mart: This is a waste of time...

As soon as he did, Ezra told both Gooti and Jonner that if Sabine and the Droids can't fix the hyperdrive, they have to be ready to leave with them on the Phantom II!

Ezra: If we can't get your hyperdrive working, you'll have to come with us on our ship!

But the both of them refused, not wanting to abandon their Captain or their home!

Jonner: If Mart isn't going, we're not going!

Gooti: This might be just a planet to you, but it's our home...

Ezra sighed sadly at the floor, he was barely able to hold back his tears as he said that he didn't want to leave his home even if it was his Birth home or not, unaware of the fear he had when he was a little kid!

Ezra: Look, I didn't want to leave my home either, Birth home or not! (Sighs)  I was so afraid... And... And I didn't know it!

While Jonner's eyes softened at that, Gooti scoffs at being afraid of the Empire!

Jonner: I'm sorry...

Gooti: (Scoffs) We're not afraid of the Empire!

Ezra knew that she and the others weren't, as he explained what his Past was like before he met Kanan and the others after Kaitis's anger and sadness pushed him and Eldra away from him after he lost his Family!

Ezra: I know you're not... You're afraid of losing everything, like I did! (Sighs) Listen, Mart was lucky enough to know his real Father before he was killed... I didn't! (Sighs) When I was born, I was the runt of the litter... Do you know what that means? 

Jonner: That you were the smallest? 

Ezra: The smallest and the weakest! It's not easy being the smallest... You learn pretty early on that everything's gonna be harder for you! When you're the smallest, you're always picked last... And sometimes, you're never picked at all... All kids grow at their own speed! And some of us never grow at all... My Adoptive Parents were taken from me when I was 7 and then were killed about a year ago... I never knew my real Parents since the Emperor apprentice destroyed my Father, and my Mother died of childbirth when I was a baby along with Twin Siblings before we were separated... (Sighs) Eventually, I realized that if I wanted a better life, I needed to take matters into my own hands!

While fixing the hyperdrive, Sabine and the Droids watched sadly as Ezra remembered when Kanan got him out of the cold the night that they had first met after their mission together was over...

Kanan: I've gotcha... It's okay... Let's get you out of the cold!

Ezra frowned; even after 3 Years of having his new Family by his side and learning the full Truth about his Birth Family, the scars of his past still haunts him!

Ezra: (Sighs) It still haunts me!

Gooti's purple features softened as Ezra wiped the tears away from his eyes, realizing that the kid really did know what it was like to lose everything they loved!

Gooti: Kid,  I'm so... I'm so sorry... I-I... I don't know what to say...

As Ezra cleared his eyes of any tear tracks from his face, Jonner started to listen to Ezra's advice!

Jonner: So you understand why we do what we do!

Seeing that Jonner is willing to try and listen, Ezra tries to explain that the Empires wants them to fight in order to destroy them, fighting alone only gets them nowhere!

Ezra: I understand that the Empire wants us to fight because that makes it easy for them to destroy us!

When Gooti asks if he wants them to do nothing, Ezra instead answers that how everyone chooses to fight is just as important as what they are fighting for!

Gooti: So you're saying we should do nothing?

Ezra: No... I'm saying how we choose to fight is just as important as what we fight for!

The two of them widened their eyes at that, seeing that Ezra made an excellent point as much as they did! But at that moment, Sabine, Chopper and R3 all managed to repair the hyperdrive and restore power to the ship's systems! But just then, the power quickly breaks down!

Ezra: That's not good...

Sabine asked the Droids what happened, as both Chopper and R3 explained to her that the power is being diverted to the ship's guns!

Sabine: What happened?

R3: (R3 Beeping)

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Sabine: What do you mean, the power is being rerouted? To where?

R3: (R3 Beeping)

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Sabine: The guns and the shields?

Gooti and Jonner both realize the seriousness of their situation, knowing that this is Mart's handiwork, seeing that he isn't in the room anymore!

Both: Mart...

Sabine knows that this is bad, knowing that fixing the hyperdrive is useless if the power isn't switched back from the guns!

Sabine: Fixing the hyperdrive is useless if the power isn't switched back!

Over the intercom, Mart orders his crew to get to their battle stations, knowing that they have bigger fish to fry!

Mart(Via Intercom): Iron Squadron, get to your battle stations now!

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