Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Six: Locating the Sith Holorcron.../Ezra snaps!

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At the Cave where the Holocron was hidden, Ezra turned to Kanan, who reached with the Force, as Eldra grew impatient with him!

Eldra: Anything?

Kaitis shoves her shoulder, telling her to be quiet!

Kaitis: (Shoves her Shoulder!)

Eldra: What?

Kaitis: Shush! You're the one who's going to get us all killed! Be quiet...

Finally, Kanan reopened his eyes, before finding out where the Sith Holocron was!

Ezra: Where is it?

Kanan: Somewhere safe...

Eldra agreed, but she was going alone!

Eldra: All right, I'll go, but I'm going alone!

As the Four of them walked over to the cave where the Sith Holocron was hidden inside, Ezra wanted to make sure how Kanan knew where the Holocron was!

Ezra: The cave runs deep, with many twists and turns... How can you be sure where it is now?

Kanan shrugged, knowing that if you listened closely, then you could hear the Holocron!

Kanan: I hear something... If you listen, you can hear it!

Ezra shrugged, just checking!

Ezra: Just checking...

But as Eldra started to head in, Kanan confiscated her Lightsaber!

Kanan: I'll hold on to this...

Ezra tried to tell Eldra that the Spiders would attack as soon as she turned on her Lightsaber, as he and Kanan both offered to guide her from here via her Comlink!

Eldra: Kanan! The spiders...

Ezra: Will attack as soon as you turn it on! Use your comlink instead... I'll try to guide you from here!

Eldra glared at her Little Adoptive Brother, grumbling about how she would rather have her Lightsaber with her!

Eldra: I'd rather have my lightsaber...

Kaitis rolled his eyes at his Sister, knowing that they didn't have time for this! Plus, he could see that Ezra was getting really upset and was reaching his breaking point!

Kaitis: (Groans) We don't have time for this!

Upset, Ezra couldn't stand it anymore, before he decided to go in alone without anyone's help!


Kaitis flinched back a little, even Bendu knew that Eldra pushed Ezra too far!

Bendu: Maybe your Sister pushed Kanan's Student a little bit too far...

Kaitis: YA THINK?!

Kanan frowned, confused as to why Ezra thinks that he has to do this alone!

Kanan: What's this "alone" business? Don't you remember? Us outcasts have to—

Ezra frowned, knowing that Kanan and the others sticking with him were what got them into this mess in the first place!

Ezra: What?! Stick together?! Because you stuck with me, Eldra lost her Master! You and Ahsoka almost got blinded by Maul and killed by Vader because they both wanted me as an Apprentice like his Inquisitors did, I couldn't kill the Seventh Sister after she and the others hunted us like animals for all those Months, and now Hera, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper all are in danger of being killed by Maul because he's after me! I was just a pawn in someone else's game! A-and I was never smart enough to realize it! If my friends and family knew about my mission, they'd know that their lives would have never been in danger if it weren't for me! They should hate my guts, and it would have been better if I literally never existed!

This last part makes Kanan instantly realize that just like him, Ezra overheard what Kaitis said to Eldra earlier before he woke up!

Eldra: Our lives are like this because of Ezra! Taking him off Lothal was the right thing to do... But there are others out there who need our help. We've seen what the Empire is doing throughout the galaxy! We should be doing more...

To confirm his worst words, Ezra revealed that he had heard the hurtful words that Eldra had said while he was unconscious in the Med Bay!

Ezra: I heard what Eldra said to Kaitis in the Med Bay! You don't have a normal life because of me... And considering how little time you have for me lately, we might as well be Step-Siblings!

As Ezra turns away to go find the Sith Holocron by himself, Kanan tries to comfort his heartbroken Student, but the young Skywalker states calmly that he wants to be alone and do this alone!

Kanan: Ezra--

Ezra: I want to be alone... (Sighs) You know Kaitis, this is not the first time that Eldra dismissed me and my feelings about me and my friends and told me I'm not ready for the real world...

As Ezra stormed off into the cave, Bendu asked why Kanan had taken Eldra's Lightsaber away from her!

Bendu: Why take her weapon?

Kanan frowned, explaining that some people have to learn how to solve their problems without it!

Kanan: She's gotta learn how to solve problems without it...

Kaitis frowned, as he and Kanan vented their frustrations about how Eldra's cold behaviour had been affecting Ezra lately!

Kaitis: Besides, we are all up to here with Eldra... I mean, if she gives, "the whole entire cold behaviour towards Ezra's faults for what happened on Malachor," one more time, I'm gonna go psycho!

Kanan: Again?

Kaitis: It's just an expression...

Kanan: And yet I still feel the need to check!

Bendu: Maybe she doesn't know how he comes off to other people...

Kaitis: Oh, she knows! He just doesn't care, unlike the way that Ezra does...

Kanan: Don't make excuses for her, Bendu... Ezra stuck by Eldra, and she didn't do the same for him!

Eldra held up her hands in defense, stating that she merely only stated the truth!

Eldra: I merely stated the truth!

Kaitis frowned; Ezra already knew the truth, that's exactly why he was so upset ever since he woke up from his Coma!

Kaitis: He already knows the truth... That's why he's upset!

Bendu shook his head sadly in disappointment as Eldra turned away with a hurt look in her eyes, but Kanan just sadly gazed in the direction where Ezra had left, his concern for his Student was growing more and more by the second, knowing that he, Kaitis, Hera, and all the others were not the ones Eldra needed to apologize to the most for her cold behaviour right now!

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