Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Six: Kaitis's Regret.../Leaving for Malachor!

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In the Inquisitor's Ship that was preparing to leave for Malachor, Kaitis was sitting alone in his spare room, needing some time to himself... He knew what he had to do now, but there was just one question... Would Ezra listen to him and forgive him this time? Slowly, he remembered the parting words of Reva, an old Jedi Hunter who left to follow her own destiny, Years before he joined Vader and the Grand Inquisitor...

Rava: I saw the truth! My "friends" abandoned me when times got tough! Looks like I'm not the only one... Face it, Jedi! Friendship has failed you, too...

Kaitis: Aw, man! Slick move! Me without a Lightsaber? How could I have been so stupid?! Dad was right... Vader's nothing but trouble! I wish I was home...

Meanwhile, back on Atollon, Omega and the others were saying their goodbyes to Kanan and the others since Zeb and the others had already done so, as they watched the farewell scene from afar... The Bad Batch had just finished saying their goodbyes to Kanan, Rex, and the other Three Jedi when Hunter grabbed Ezra's arm, reminding the kid about what both Zeb and Kanan told him!

Kanan: We'll be home before you know it, we promise!

Hunter: Wherever you end up, remember what both Kanan and Zeb said!

Wrecker gently shoved the kid's shoulders, warning Ezra and the others to not get into too much trouble without them!

Wrecker: Don't get into trouble without us!

Tech: Best of luck, Ezra!

Echo and Crosshair both nodded, knowing that Ezra would find a way to get Kaitis back and bring him home!

Echo: We offered Kanan a chance, kiddo... This is yours!

Crosshair: You and Kaitis both want different things, Ezra... But that doesn't mean you two have to be enemies!

Finally turning to the Young Clone who is like a little Sister to him, Ezra knelt down to Omega's Level as he explained that this was a mission that he had to see through to the bitter end!

Ezra: Omega, this is something I have to do... I'm going where I'm needed...

Although it hurt to see Ezra leave Omega understood his decision, a mission's a mission!

Omega: Yeah, I know... Like Hunter always tells us, a mission's a mission!

Placing a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder, Ezra tells Omega to keep up with her Bow Training while he's gone

Ezra: But it's not forever... I'll be back... Keep up with your training while I'm gone! Huh? Understood?

Fighting tears, Omega launched herself into Ezra's arms for a hug, surprising the young boy! Kanan and Rex both watched as Ezra gently returned the gesture, smiling at the two kids who have become like Siblings just as much as Sabine and Zeb have with the kid! Stepping away from Ezra, Omega bravely wipes her tears away while nodding her head yes!

Omega: Yes, Sir...

Ezra smiled as he stood up, before asking Omega to keep an eye on the Bad Batch and the rest of the Ghost Crew for him and the others!

Ezra: Keep an eye on them... Can you do that for me?

Omega: (Sniffles) Mm-hmm!

Ezra: That's a good girl!

Running towards the Phantom with Chopper flying it, Ezra waves one final goodbye towards the rest of the Ghost Crew as well as Omega and the Bad Batch, who all return the gesture, before running to Kanan's side inside the Phantom!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Chopper files the Phantom off of Atollon, as he makes the jump to light speed... Ezra clutched his Secret Family Locket, promising both Kaitis and Anakin to free them both from their suffering!

Ezra: Kaitis, Father... I don't know I'm planning to free you both from the Darkness and Suffering that the Emperor has put you through or how to make you change back to the way you were before turned so much... But I really hope that one day that the person my Father used to return to the light briefly before he's reunite with my Mother, and become one with the Force for real this time... So keep your Lightsabers prepped, cause I'll be coming for you!

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