Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty-Two: Briefing report... /Right and wrong!

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In the briefing room, while Sabine believes that wasn't a transport, Skerris exits the third pod and reveals that the transport was the Ghost, stating that the rebels tend to use non-warships modified for combat, warning both Wedge and "Ria" that insubordination will get them killed in real combat, hoping that the both of them understand that!

Sabine: What kind of rebel ship was that? That was no transport...

Skerris: But you are wrong, cadet... It was a transport called the Ghost, which had been modified for combat... The rebels are a desperate group of extremists... They'll fight with any ship, using any means necessary to undermine our authority! That is why orders must be followed without question... Insubordination like yours will get you and your wingman killed! Understood?

Wedge: Yes, sir...

Wedge nodded in understanding, while Sabine glared at him... Wedge stood back in shock, while Skerris asked "Ria" if she understood!

Skerris: Understood, cadet?

As much as she wanted to not do the whole protocol thing again, Sabine knew that she couldn't blow her cover just yet!

Sabine: Yes, sir...

The Captain dismissed them both, before "Ria" and Wedge walked away! As soon as the two of them were both out of earshot of any Imperials or any of the other Cadets, Wedge was impressed by Sabine's bravery in breaking protocol!

Wedge: I see you don't just take risks when you're flying...

Sabine frowned a little, she simply trusted her gut and knew right from wrong now!

Sabine: Well, I trust my gut, and I know right from wrong...

But Wedge respects that, he knows that a lot of people here won't!

Wedge: I respect that... A lot of people here won't!

But as Wedge walked away, Sabine saw that Wedge was upset... And she didn't have to be a Jedi like Ezra and the others to know that something was up!

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