Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty-Three:Stabilizers damaged.../Ezra leaves!

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Back on the Ghost, Sabine has received the fourth batch of proton bombs and tells Ezra to keep sending more!

Sabine: That's four! Keep 'em comin'!

But as they were doing so, Chopper was manning the bridge when the ship's controls short-circuit due to a lightning strike; causing the cargo ship to list towards the vortex! Ezra and the others regained their balance after their little stumble before Chopper contacts Ezra about the bad news, who told him to get back to the cargo hold now!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

(Lightning Strike!)

(Ship's controls short-circuiting!)

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: Whoa!

Omega: Did you hear that?

Kaitis: Yeah, and in my experience, Lighting Striking never leads to good things!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: Copy... Come back to the hold!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra informs Hera about the bad news and knows that they have to evacuate before the ship goes down fast before it takes him and the others with it!

Ezra: Hera, Chop's lost the stabilizers! This ship's gonna go down fast now!

Hera: And it'll take you down with it! Get everyone off that tug now!

But Ezra explained that there was a slight problem with that; Azmorigan's missing still, and Zeb hasn't come back either after he went to look for him earlier!

Ezra: There's a little problem with that... We lost Azmorigan! Zeb went looking for him, but he hasn't come back either!

AsHera tells him to find them quickly since they were running out here, Hondo and Melch are trying to carry a cargo box!

Hera: Well, find them! We're running out of time here!

Ezra tells Hondo that he needs his help, but the Space Pirate says that he is way too busy to help at the moment!

Ezra: Hondo, come on! I need your help!

Hondo: Kind of busy right now, Ezra...

Hurt and confused by that, Eldra questions whether or not  Azmorigan is his friend before Hondo merely replies that he is simply a partner and business acquaintance!

Eldra: But isn't Azmorigan your friend?

Hondo: My partner... That means occasional business acquaintance!

At Eldra's hurt expression, Omega calls Hondo out on him caring more about the treasure than about his friends!

Omega: It also means more treasure for you if he doesn't make it back, right?

Hondo shrugs, knowing that she and Ezra never failed to disappoint him!

Hondo: Well, I never thought of it that way, but you or Omega never disappoint me, Ezra!

Seeing Eldra's hurt expression and Ezra's glaring one, Ezra voiced his disagreement, wishing that she could say the same!

Omega: Yeah, wish I could say the same...

Hunter winced along with Sabine from afar, knowing that the young Female Clone sure told him!

Hunter: (Winces)

Sabine: Well she sure told him, didn't she?

Ezra rolled his eyes, he'll do it himself!

Ezra: Oh, fine... I'll do it myself!

As Ezra left in disappointment and entered the corridor to find Zeb and Azmorigan, Kaitis remarks that some of them choose to be right all the time!

Kaitis: Some of us choose to be right all the time...

Eldra rolled her eyes at her Brother, will he just get moving already?!

Eldra: Would you just GO?!

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