Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Eight: Spider Trouble!/Kanan goes back for Ezra!

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Back on Atollon, Ezra is navigating through the dark krykna nest with a flashlight... While using his flashlight to see where he was going, Ezra gently wiped a tear away from his eyes... The guilt of what happened on Malachor was too much for him to bear anymore, as he made a turn to the right!


I have to find a way,To make this all okay...I can't believe this small mistake,Could've caused so much heartache...Oh why, oh why?Losing promise...I don't know what to do!Seeking answers,I fear I won't get through to you...Oh why, oh why?

Ezra: (Sniffling) This is all my fault... Maybe it would be better if I never came here...

But as he walked, Ezra was becoming more and more afraid that if he stayed on Atollon, he would just make the situation worse now! Phoenix Squadron, all of his friends, his Adoptive Siblings, and Kanan; might be better off without him!

Ezra: What am I going to do?

But while he was stuck in his guilt-ridden thoughts, Ezra soon found himself surrounded by several of the spidery creatures, as they destroyed his flashlight! While Ezra found himself in danger, again... Kaitis and Kanan believed that if Eldra wasn't such a jerk then maybe Ezra wouldn't have gone off on his own in the first place!

 Eldra: He's not my real Brother! He doesn't tell me what to do!

Kaitis: You watch your mouth...

Kanan: You're right, he's not... But he was a day old when Obi-Wan gave him to you guys, and you raised him like your own! Your Adoptive Brother loved me more than he loved Kaitis - and YOU more than EITHER ONE of you!

Kaitis: And I don't think you're adorable... I think you're obnoxious! 

Kanan frowned at that while Eldra explained that's what Sabine used to call him all the time when he served with the Empire!

Kaitis: Obnoxious -- that's what Sabine used to call me all the time... Am I using it right? 

Kanan smirked, couldn't have said it better himself!

Kanan: Couldn't have said it better myself!

Eldra: This is ridiculous... I flew halfway across Base so Ezra could tell me to buzz off again? I don't deserve this... I'm a world-famous hero! 

Kanan: You're a world-famous jerk!

Kaitis: And if you weren't such a jerk, maybe he wouldn't have dumped you in the first place!

Eldra frowned, who made Kaitis the expert on Feelings?

Eldra: Oh! And now you're the expert on feelings? 

Kaitis frowned, stating that he may not be an expert on feelings, but he was an expert on jerks, considering that he used to be one in the past!  

Kaitis: No, but I am an expert on jerks!

Eldra frowned, trying to say that she didn't have to take that from Kaitis, but trips over one of their Speeder Bikes!

Eldra: You know, I don't have to take that from... Hunh! Unh! 

Kaitis smirked, he highly doubted that! Just then, Eldra's tripping over the Speeder causes Ezra's Datapad from earlier to fall off the young Boy's own Speeder before it lands in Kaitis's hands, much to his shock and surprise!

Kaitis: (Grunts) (Pants) Oh! (Gasps) (Sighs)

Suddenly, Kaitis's actions caused Ezra's Video Diaries through his childhood to play for him and Kanan to see!

Seven-Year-Old Ezra: So we moved... Eldra says it's because the old house isn't "pretty enough", but I think it's because there's a better home for Kaitis nearby so that he can still think about our Parents and Master Windu... 'Cause, let's be honest, this house ain't that much prettier!

Eight-Year-Old Ezra: I think this might be the worst week ever...

Kaitis's hand reaches out onto the screen as it slowly slides down, remembering the first anniversary of losing his parents because of his mistakes, before Ezra brushed his tears away and held up a book about Anakin's adventures before Vader destroyed him that his Adoptive Dad gave to him as a Birthday Present when he was Six...

Eight-Year-Old Ezra: But Dad left me this book... I can't wait to read it...

Eight-Year-Old Ezra: I loved it! I loved it so much! (Giggles)

Kaitis couldn't help but giggle at that before the next one showed the night before Ezra's 10th Birthday...

Nine-Year-Old Ezra: Kaitis had a bad Training session with me again... (Sighs) But the good news is that we finally have enough credits to buy our own Ship so that we can leave Tarkintown tomorrow after we celebrate my 10th Birthday so that we can start building our own Jedi Resistance... It's been really rough for both Eldra and Kaitis since the funeral... So, I'm gonna wow the Empire's face off with our new resistance! Kaitis, you won't have to worry about me ever again...

But before Kaitis could shut off Ezra's Datapad, Kanan found one more from today!

Kanan: Wait, wait, wait, stop! There's one more from today...

Kaitis saw that Kanan was right, seeing that it had already started playing!

Ezra: Dear diary: All I ever wanted was to be good at something, to be around people who also liked that something... And when I found out by my True Family, I thought, 'Wow, I found it! I can learn about the Force... I can be a Jedi! I-I won't have to be the dummy on the streets anymore!' But I messed up too much and put everyone in danger... If it weren't for me, the mess on Malachor would have never happened... There was this cave-in, and I met him... I met him when he was still just an old man, and I taught him about the Sith Temple... I introduced him to the Presence within the Sith Holocron... I set everything in motion! I'm sorry, everyone... And of course, I was convinced we should move to Tarkintown to be closer to that fancy garden that reminded Kaitis so much of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and well... Kanan and the others all know on how well that ended!

When it comes to the part about Kaitis, Ezra becomes sad and tears up before he looks away briefly...

Ezra: Eldra always said that I have to learn from my mistakes, so... (A single tear falls down his cheek...) I know what I have to do now... On Atollon, after we locate the Sith Holocron from Bendu, I'm telling everyone that I'm facing Maul so that I can save Kanan and the others from being killed, alone! It's for the best...

Just then, they heard Ezra screaming for help!

Ezra: (Screaming) 

Kanan frowned, before telling Kaitis that he had to go and assist Ezra right now!

Kanan: I have to go and help Ezra!

Kaitis nodded, understanding Kanan's loyalty towards Ezra as he left his Lightsaber with Ezra's for the Bendu to safeguard their lightsabers... 

Kanan: Keep an eye on those, will ya?

Kanan quickly runs into the cave to assist Ezra, as Kaitis not only made it clear to the Bendu that some stuff was just beyond their control...

Bendu: It's not like you meant to push everyone that you loved away 17 Years ago...

Kaitis: Right... Some stuff is just beyond our control!

Eldra winced, remembering that Ezra said the same thing as Kaitis makes it clear that he was not the one whom Eldra needed to apologize right now!

Kaitis: Didn't you think it was strange how Ezra suddenly wasn't able to be around us anymore?! Even if Maul lied to all of us and hid the facts, remember you're still his Adoptive Sister!

Eldra: I'm so...sorry...

Kaitis: I'm not the one to apologize to... Hmm... Poor Ezra...

Seeing the little crabs play with the Lightsabers, Bendu knew that either Kanan and Ezra would regain their balance, or they would be eaten!

Bendu: Perhaps Master and Apprentice will rediscover their balance... Or perhaps they'll be eaten... Such is the way of things!

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