Chapter One Two Hundred and Twenty-Seven: Escaping the worse.../Ezra awakens!

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Back on Atollon, the voice leads Kanan to a series of mesas in the wilderness, which is where he learned to connect with the Spiders a few days ago, where he encounters a massive strange creature!

???: This is the place... 

Kanan: Hello? Are you there? I can sense your presence!

Bendu: Hello!

Back in Space near the Sereeda Waypoint, Sabine was trying her best to keep everyone alive!

Zeb: You can do it, Sabine!

Hondo: Imperial prison is bad, but where the Mining Guild will send us is worse!

Ahsoka: You are not helping here!

Kaitis: Hmph! Thanks for the cheery Info!

Sabine: Hang on!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

As the two TIE/Mining Guild starfighters pursued the Phantom, Sabine and Chopper both got ready to make their move!

Sabine: Brace yourselves!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

On her mark, both Chopper and Sabine shot down the two TIE Fighters with the lazer cannons! Kaitis sighed with relief before Sabine told him to charge up the hyperdrive!

Kaitis: (Sighs with Relief!) 

Sabine: Chopper, we're clear... Charge the hyperdrive!

Eldra however, didn't like the idea of having any witnesses to report them to the Empire! 

Eldra: Wait! We should destroy the transport before they contact the Empire!

Kaitis and Sabine refused, however, knowing that they needed to proceed with their Actual Mission!

Kaitis: They probably already have...

Eldra: No! We're not leaving any witnesses!

Kaitis: That's not our mission, Eldra...

Sabine: The Lieutenant's right, Eldra... The important thing here is to proceed with our mission!

Eldra rolled her eyes, moving to the back of the Ship away from the both of them!

Eldra: Fine...

Paying no attention to his Sister's coldness, Kaitis told Sabine to make the jump to light speed!

Kaitis: Make the jump!

Sabine: Hyperspace, here we come...

As they quickly made their way to the Reklam Station, Sabine sighed... She knew that without Ezra's spirit there with them, even their missions were almost falling apart! Back on Atollon, Kanan and the mysterious creature known as Bendu were talking about the Sith Holocron, Eldra, and how conflict works with different people!

Bendu: You heard my call... Good! Your imbalance woke me from a deep slumber...

Kanan: Imbalance? 

Bendu: Your presence is like a violent storm in this quiet world!

Kanan: You're a Force wielder... But you're not a Jedi!

Bendu: Wielder? Jedi and Sith wield the Ashla and Bogan, the Light and the Dark... I'm the one in the middle, the Bendu! What do you call yourself?

Kanan: I am Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight...

Bendu: You carry conflict with you, Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight...

Kanan: It's this!

Bendu: Interesting...

Kanan: Careful! It's... Dangerous!

Bendu: How so?

Kanan: It's a Sith Holocron, a source of evil... My student's Adoptive Sister has been using it, and I'm afraid it's changing her!

Bendu: An object cannot make you good or evil... The temptation of power, forbidden knowledge, even the desire to do good can lead some down that path... But only you can change yourself!

Kanan: Not always...

Bendu: Your conflict becomes clear, Kanan Jarrus...

Kanan frowned, remembering the night that he had learned to connect with the Spiders by not being a threat...

???: Look closer...

Kanan: There's nothing! I can't sense them...

???: Look within...

Kanan: I see... Fear...

???: In the spiders?

Kanan: Ezra!

???: Ah, your thoughts dwell on your apprentice!

Kanan: He's in danger! No! No... It's not Ezra or the spiders! It's... It's me... Fear, grief, anger, that's how they see me! That's how I see myself...

Bendu smiles, seeing that Kanan's Force Connection has returned!

Bendu: Your Force Connection returns!

Kanan: I distanced myself from everyone! From the Force, too...

Bendu: Your connection to the Force allows you to see in ways others cannot... If you can see yourself, you will never be truly lost, Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight!

Kanan: I understand...

Meanwhile, back in the Med Bay aboard the Ghost, Omega gently wiped her tears tracks away from her eyes... But just then, Ezra started to groan a little as he started to wake up!

Ezra: (Groans) Ohhh, my head... Omega?

Seeing that Ezra was struggling to wake up, Omega leaped into the boy's arms for a hug!

Omega: (Gasps) Huh? Ezra?! Ezra! (Chuckles) 

Although Ezra was taken by the hug after he had just woken up, he smiled at his Little Sister figure before he returned the hug!

Ezra: Hey, kiddo! (Chuckles)

As a joyous and Captivating Melody plays, Ezra asks how he got here!

Ezra: How did I get here? And where's Quinlan?

Omega frowned, knowing that Ezra had really missed a lot in the last 6 Months!

Omega: You've missed a lot!

As Ezra frowned at that, he remembered both Kaitis and Kanan!

Ezra: (Sighs) (Gasps) Hey! Where's Kaitis and Kanan?!

Omega realizes that Kanan doesn't know that his Student is awake right now!

Omega: (Gasps)

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