Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty-One: Cargo loacted!/Trouble...

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Meanwhile, Hera, Kanan, and AP-5 are aboard the Ghost's bridge as Sabine reports that the winds are getting stronger!

Sabine: The winds are picking up down here... The longer this takes, the worse it's gonna get!

Hunter: Thank you, Sabine... Your concern is noted!

Hunter notes Sabine's concern as Hera asks Zeb for a status report, as the Lasat tells her that he and the others are at the hangar door now and it's not gonna budge before telling Chopper to restore power on the cargo Deck!

Hera: Zeb, status update!

Zeb: We're at the hangar door now! (Grunts) And it's not gonna budge... Chopper, we need power on the cargo deck!

But as Chopper complies with Zeb's orders and starts to restart the ship's power plant, Ezra ignites his Twin Lightsabers and slices through the door, knowing that they don't have time for this!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Omega: (Sighs) We don't have time for this!

Ezra: I got this!

Zeb tells him to stop but Ezra has already cut a hole through the door, where everyone was delighted to find the treasure the Pirates desired while Omega saw the proton bombs!

Zeb: No! Wait!

Azmorigan: Hey!

Hondo: Azmorigan, my friend! Pinch me...

Kaitis: (Pinches Hondo!

Hondo: Ow!

Kaitis: What? You did say to...

Omega: Look! Proton bombs...

Hondo: My treasure is over there!

Seeing that both groups found what they came here for, Zeb knew that they had to get to work since they didn't have much time!

Zeb: All right... Let's get started! We don't have much time...

As Zeb and Omega began to load the bombs, Eldra tells both Ezra and Kaitis that Hondo can be trusted even if he lies!

Eldra: Looks like Hondo came through, huh?

Ezra rolled his eyes, knowing that Zeb would believe that when everyone was safely back aboard the Ghost!

Ezra: Zeb and I will believe it when we're all safely back on the Ghost!

Kaitis smiled as he insisted that nothing could go wrong now as he helped his little Adoptive Brother with the Proton Bombs!

Kaitis: Come on... We made it aboard, found the loot, what's gonna go wrong now?

Just then, they see both Hondo and Azmorigan squabbling over the treasure!

Hondo: Stop kissing my treasure! It's mine because I saw it first!

Azmorigan: No! I saw this ship first, so I get first claim on anything in it!

Ezra rolled his eyes at Omega, that for example!

Ezra: That, for example!

Hondo: First claim? First claim? What is that? What kind of a criminal are you?

Zeb tells the both of them to shut up but Azmorigan refuses to argue with the Lasat before going to get some better stuff in the back!

Zeb: Both of you shut up!

Azmorigan: I'm not arguing with this washed-up chuba! (Groans) I saw better stuff in the back anyway...

After he leaves, Zeb contacts Chopper, and asked if he is good to go, before the power comes back on and the cargo door opens! Zeb tells everyone else to hold on, knowing that it's about to get windy! 

Zeb: Don't hurry back! (Sighs) Okay, Chopper, you good to go?

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Zeb: Hold on... It's about to get windy!

But unknown to either of them in the background,  an Imperial sentry droid begins to reactivate!

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