Chapter Three Hundred and Twelve: Ezra's integration!/Target Practice?!

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Meanwhile, the Imperial Mandalorian Leader drops Ezra onto the ground and orders his men to search the area, he highly doubts that Ezra is alone!

Gar Saxon: Search the area... I doubt he's alone...

Ezra frowned, asking just who was he supposed to be!

Ezra: And... Who are you supposed to be?

The Leader removed his Helmet, revealing himself as Gar Saxon, the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, before asking how many of his Rebel friends were with him! 

Gar Saxon: So sorry, where are my manners? I am Gar Saxon, Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore... And you, rebel, are now my prisoner... How many are with you?

Knowing that he would never betray Kanan and the others, Ezra claimed that he came here alone!

Ezra: I'm here by myself!

But that's when Chopper came in while being escorted by some of Gar Sxaon's men, causing Ezra to claim that his Droid didn't really count, much to Chopper's irritation!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: I mean, except for my Droid, and he doesn't really count!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping Irritated!)

Another Imperial Mandalorian Warrior reported to Gar Saxon that they had found no sign of anyone else!

Imperial Mandalorian Warrior 1: Sir, We checked the base... There's no sign of anyone else!

Ezra shrugged, while Saxon didn't believe him!

Ezra: See?

Gar Saxon: You'll have to excuse me if I don't take the word of a Rebel Spy!

Ezra rolled his eyes, stating that he wasn't a Rebel Spy!

Ezra: I'm not part of any rebellion... I told you, I'm a scavenger... Part of Hondo Ohnaka's crew! He'll vouch for me...

Saxon still didn't believe him, knowing that the Empire was fully aware that the Rebels had been using this System as a way to avoid their Patrols in this Sector!

Gar Saxon: I don't think so... The Empire is fully aware Rebels have been using the system as a thruway to avoid patrols in this sector!

But Ezra claimed that he didn't care about that, he was only here to salvage some spare parts!

Ezra: I don't care about that, I just came here looking to salvage some spare parts!

But Saxon warned him that he wasn't dealing with some Imperial Officer fresh out of the Academy!

Gar Saxon: You're dealing with the Mandalorians now, child, not some Imperial officer fresh out of the Academy...

Ezra frowned, knowing that the less Saxon knew about him than knowing about Sabine's existence the better!

Ezra: Look, sir, I didn't even know Mandalore was part of the Empire!

Seeing that he needs to step up his game, Saxon orders his men to search the Phantom II for the answers while he stays here to use Chopper as target practice to force the boy's cooperation!

Gar Saxon: Search his ship... Maybe we'll find the truth there!

Imperial Mandalorian Warrior 1: Yes, sir!

Gar Saxon: Until then, perhaps target practice with your droid will encourage you to talk!

Ezra rolled his eyes, knowing that this gonna be tougher to protect Chopper and the others from Saxon's wrath than he thought!

Ezra: Look, Viceroy, sir... Shooting at my Droid isn't gonna get you any answer!

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