Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty-Two: Locked up again!/Old Tears...

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In a nearby cell, a Stormtrooper pushes Ezra onto the ground after he wakes up from being stunned... After being shoved to the ground, Thrawn states that it was an unexpected pleasure to meet both him and Hera, especially since the rest of his Imperial Officers told him that Ezra was dead!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: An unexpected pleasure to meet you Captain Hera Syndulla, Ezra Skywalker... Especially since everyone told me that they were assumed dead many Moons ago... 

Ezra frowned as he sat up a little bit, the feeling for both him and Hera wasn't mutual!

Ezra: Wish I could say the same, Admiral...

Thrawn frowned, knowing that it was a pity that his first encounter with them might as well be their last and how he would've kept Hera's Kalikori in a place of honour...

Grand Admiral Thrawn: It is a pity our first encounter might well be our last... I would've kept Hera's Kalikori in a place of honour...

Ezra frowned, knowing that Hera would've smashed it when she had the chance if she knew that Thrawn would take it!

Ezra: If Hera knew you'd take it, she would've smashed it when I had the chance!

Thrawn smirked in pretend shock, asking if both Captain Hera Syndulla's history as well as his own worth so little to him?

Grand Admiral Thrawn: You surprise me... Is Captain Hera Syndulla's history as well as your own worth so little to you?

Ezra glared at him, before remarking that both of his and Hera's family legacies belonged to them alone, not for some collector's curiosity!

Ezra: Both of my and Hera's family legacies belong to us alone... It is not for some collector's curiosity! 

When Slavin is about to interject at that smart remark, Thrawn apologizes for the Captain's behaviour and thanks Ezra for his hospitality before leaving the Cell!

Captain Slavin: What did you say?

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Forgive him... I thank you for your hospitality!

Ezra frowned as soon as the two Imperials left, like this day couldn't get any better!

Ezra: (Sighs) Like this day couldn't get any better!

After leaving Ezra alone in his Cell, Thrawn tells Slavin to have a message ready for Cham before he's transported to my ship after he surrenders to them!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Have a message ready for Cham before he's transported to my ship after he surrenders to them!

But Slavin suggests destroying the object, Thrawn momentarily loses his temper and grabs Slavin by the collar... Luckily, Thrawn calms down before apologizing to him, remembering that not everyone can appreciate art like he does!

Captain Slavin: We should just destroy that piece of Twi'lek trash!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: (Growls)

Captain Slavin: (Gasps in Fear a little bit!)

Grand Admiral Thrawn: My apologies, Captain Slavin... I forgot not everyone is able
to appreciate art as I do!

Thrawn then departs the Office for an "experiment" that requires his attendance, before leaving Slavin to finish the job!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm conducting an experiment that requires my attendance! I leave it to your command to finish the job...

Slavin frowned as Thrawn left the room, vowing that he shall finish the job himself!

Captain Slavin: And so I shall...

Back in his Cell, Ezra hugged his knees gently, almost feeling like his Younger Self back when Kaitis shut him and his Adoptive Family out, remembering when his Mother called him out for not appreciating what he loved before it was gone, just like Hera told him that Cham had done with his Family before Hera lost her Brother when she was younger...

Young Mira: Kaitis... You two beautiful Parents, a Sister who loves you, a little Adoptive Brother who adores you; you have everything... Why is it the only person who can't see that... Is you?

Eleni: Cham... You have two beautiful children, a wife who loves you, friends who adore you; you have everything... Why is it the only person who can't see that... Is you?

Unable to contain his sadness after seeing the happy mural portrait of Hera and her Parents before grabbing the holodisk from the Captain's Office and putting his mask down to hide his tears from his friend or the Imperials, Ezra finally burst into endless sobs!

Ezra: (Sobbing)

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